Chapter 6

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I woke up with Theo still in my arms.He looked so peaceful when he is sleeping.But I am worried something always takes my happiness away.I am really hoping since I killed my father I won't have to worry about him hurting me.
As brave as I my seem no one knows how is it to be tortured until you faint.And being told that you're pathetic,the worst daughter ever,your mother will be disappointed if she was alive.I was at a stage when I wanted to end it all.I couldn't take it anymore but it all stopped when he showed up in my life.He showed me a kind of love that I never in a million years would have thought it will come.
I was so zooned out that I didn't realise Theo is awake and speaking to me:
-,,Love what are you thinking about?"-He asked worrie written all over his face.
-,,Nothing love I was thinking about my past.Nothing to worry about"-I said with the best smile I could make up
-,,No don't think I am buying this fake smile.I know when your lying so tell me what's up."-He said in a sirius tone and I know that I can't lie to him.
I got up and he did too and we were facing each other.

-,,Um well I was thinking about me.That doesn't happen a lot.I am just afraid that something or someone is gonna take my happiness away or you.I am finally free from my pathetic father and I can wake up without being tortured.And I am afraid that you're gonna realise that you can find something better.Someone without too much problems"-I said with a sad face I kept my tears in.I didn't want him to see me cry.
(For the next part pretend that you're have been in
Hogwarts for two months)
Theo's POV
-,,Y/n love I am going to say something and you're gonna listen.You're the best thing that happen to me in my whole life.No one cared for me so much like you do.No one is as funny,kind,a badass you trow the best punches."-She chuckled and made me smile
-,,So don't think I would ever cheat on you.I only love you Y/n.I still can't expect how I got so lucky with you to be by my side.And I plan to keep you forever"-I said and I was honest her eyes lit up and she smiled and just jumped on me and hugged me.It made my heart melt she is so adorable.When she sees me her eyes lit up like a little kid who just got a candy.
Man I am in love with her and I will never lose her.
We just hugged for like five minutes it was Friday and me and her will be going to the astronomy tower tonight.
-,,We have classes darling we have to get up"-I said
-,,Um no"-She said with a baby voice.
-,,Yes we have to now be a good girl and get up"-I said and got up she got up and looked at me with baby eyes
-,,You are very mean sir"-she said sometimes she acts like a 3 year old
-,,Stop giving this eyes you know I can't resist them now get ready.See you in DADA."-I kissed her and walked out to leave her get ready.

~~Time skip to the astronomy tower cuz this is where it gets interesting~~
Theo's POV
I was waiting for Y/n in front of the stairs of the tower so we can go together.This was our secret spot.We went there every night when we didn't have homework or she because I don't do my homework.
I was thinking when I hear the sound of  high heels.Why does she have to wear high heels all the time I said to myself.
I tought it was Y/n but god I was wrong.It was that bloody pug face.
-,,What do you want?"-I asked already annoyed with her
She come closer and said:
-,,I want you Theo"-she said trying to be sexy but it didn't work
-,,Listen here you pathetic bitch it's Riddle to you and I don't want you.I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world Y/n.So you can fuck off"-I said and then it happened to fast she kissed me I didn't kiss back when she backed off I saw
Y/n standing there and just looking with no emotions.My heart broke.

I was walking to the astronomy tower to see my one and only Theo.I am soo lucky I said to myself.I was walking until I saw THE WORST THING EVER
Pansy and Theo were kissing.
My heart broke but I didn't show it instead I started to laugh and clapped
-,,Well,well look at the new couple"-I said stepping closer
-,,Love let me explain"-Theo said
-,,No there is no need for that Riddle.If you too are happy with each other far away from me to ruin it.You deserve each other.Two pathetic fucks."-I said with the most best resting bitch face I could pull of.Theo swolled and looked at me with sad eyes he know he fucked up bad.
-,,You know I am not sad.I am used to people stabbing me in the back.I am just really disappointed in you Riddle.I had higher standards for you"-I said I was dying on the inside but I didn't want to show it

Theo's POV
God nooo.She isn't sad she is disappointed wich is worse.I would never cheat on her but she wouldn't believe me.
She looked me with a death glare.If Looks could kill I will be 6 feet under right now.
-,,Forget about me Riddle.Forget about everything.Go have fun with miss pug face"-She said and turned around and started walking fast.
-,,You little shit"-I screamed at Parkinson
I chased after her.Called for her but she didn't stop.She locked herself in her room.I could hear her sobs.It kills me to know that I am the one who made her cry.But I didn't kissed back but that doesn't make me less guilty.
I stayed infront of the door all night.I called her name she shouted to me to get away but I didn't I couldn't.All night I heard her crying and it broke me.

I started running.I could hear him shout my name but I didn't care.I was heartbroken.Just today he said he wouldn't cheat on me.He said that I was his everything.
I shut the door and locked it I dropped on the floor and cried all night.He stood all night outside the door and tried to talk to me but I refused.I couldn't listen.
I just cried and cried and cried.I can't believe he cheated with Pansy.I am soo much better and I will show him what he missed.

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