Chapter 23

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I wake up pretty late today.Somehow I managed to fall asleep last night.I stood up and went toward the bathroom and all of last nights events came flashing back in my brain.

I am the daughter of the devil himself.My mother is the most powerful witch and has both light and dark magic.That's why my eyes get red when I am angry,that's why I am drown to darkness and light,that's why I can feel the soul of a human.

They explained everything.Why they left me when I was a kid.How they couldn't take care of me.I wasn't mad at them.
Totally the opposite.I understood why they had to do it.
But I am mad I missed 15 years without them.I grew up with Hayden,Alex and Melody thinking we are real siblings and now it's all been a lie.Ever since I came to Hogwarts my life has been hetic.

And on top of that Mattheo came back.I am glad he is save and healthy,but why did he have to lie.I was a nervous wreck because I didn't know anything I still don't...I will talk to him today,then I will have to talk with Hayden,Alex and Melody.

I sign....It's going to be a long fucking day!

After I was done,I went towards my closet to pick out some clothes.

I choose this outfit:

After I was dressed I did my makeup and straighten my hair

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After I was dressed I did my makeup and straighten my hair.
I looked pretty good,wich considering I was crying myself to sleep was good.

What a mood.

I grabbed my phone and headed towards Theo's dorm to talk.It wasn't a far walk since our rooms are on the same floor.

Once I was there I knocked gently on the dark brown door and got in.

What I saw made my heart melt...he was sleeping.

He looked so peaceful and beautiful.

I walked up to his bed and sat down,I just admired him while he slept.

I missed this..I missed him.

After a few minutes he started slowly waking up.
He jumped up when he saw me,probably thinking it was someone else.

-,,Hey shh it's only me love"-I told him softly.
He looked up at me and just hugged me very tight.I hugged him back.

No words were needed.It was only him and I.
We needed that.Just to be us.

After a while we pulled away.I signed -,,I am so glad you are okey.I was worried sick Theo.Can you explain what's going on?"-i asked him he nodded -,,I am so sorry I had to leave,without saying anything.I was on mission kinda,training..I was training for the war.My dad wanted me to be in my best shape so that I can protect myself.I wasn't the only one there tho,all of his death eaters were there.
He didn't want you to be there,because he knew about your parents and what time they are coming and didn't want you to worry about me and try bringing me back or worse come with me"-He explained softly to be.

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