21-Bye Dad

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I woke up and walked down stairs, still in my PJ's, seeing dad cooking. Just as I was about to ask what was going on the pan went up in flames and the fire alarm went off.  I covered my ear while dad panicked. Bella had ran down and we watched as my dad threw a cup of water on the frying pan. The fire now put out, he opened the window, coughing, and waved his arm around trying to get rid of the smoke. Now he looked over and saw us.

"Thanks for the help girls." He huffed. 

"Well, if I tried I would most likely got a lecture from Marcus about being safe for the babies." I said and my dad turned to Bella waiting for her answer. 

"Demetri knows how accident prone I am. I'm not allowed to go near anything even remotely related to danger." She shrugged. We looked back to the mess before dad turned back to us. 

"Lets head to the dinner." He said. "Why don't you both go get dressed while I try clean up this mess?" I felt a breeze and Marcus stood behind my dad. 

"We heard the alarm." My dad jumped and hit Marcus around the head. The pan now had a large dent in it and the handle was bent strange. Bella burst out laughing while I stood there biting my lip.

"What the hell!? Don't sneak up on a cop!" My dad yelled. "And what did you mean 'We'?" Demetri stepped into the room and went over to Bella. 

"I'm going to get dressed. Smoke. Not good for the baby." I said and walked back up the stairs. I had a quick shower and decided to wear a white turtleneck jumper-dress and a pair of black leggings. Deciding agents heals I wore my black ankle boots and walked back down to the others. Marcus and Demetri were gone by now and my dad was throwing the burnt frying pan in the bin. He looked up at me and I grin.

"Not a word." He huffed making me laugh. I lost track of how many pans my dad had binned through my childhood. We almost always ate at the dinner, unless we were eating at Billy's house.

"I wasn't going to say anything." I smiled holding my hands up. "But what was that poor food meant to be?" I asked

"I was trying to make pancakes but I think I had the stove on too high." I rolled my eyes as Bella walked in, wearing her usual plain long-sleeve shirt and jeans.

"We ready too go?" She asked.

"Yeah let me jut go grab my bag and I'll meet you in the car." I hurried upstairs and to my room, grabbing my bag, after making sure my dads gift was safely inside.


I smiled as I ate my pancakes. 

"So what time do you girls leave?" My dad asked eating his fry up.

"Demetri said we'll have to leave no later that 5 if Jamie still wants to visit the children's home before we leave." Bella said looking over to me, making me nod.

"The one up in Seattle?" He asked.

"Yeah. I want to donate a little money to them while I'm up here." I smiled.

"That's very nice of you Jamie. I'm sure they'll appreciate whatever you give." My dad smiled.

"Oh and I have a gift for you." I smiled and handed him the small gift bag. He took it and frowned. 

"You didn't need to get me anything." He said putting his hand into the bag.

"Well its from your grandchildren so shush and open it." I said ad he pulled out two wrapped gifts. He unwrapped the first one. "Well maybe that ones from me." I smirk. It was a large cup that said 'only the best dads get promoted to grandpa'. He chuckled at that one and put it on the table before he opened the other one. It was two small baby vests. One said 'just because I live far away doesn't mean I love you any less, Grandpa.' The other said 'no matter where you are, just remember you're always with us in our hearts and mind'

He practically had tears in his eyes.

"I love them both, thank you." He kissed my head and he put them back in the bag. 

"How come I didn't get a gift?" Bella asked. 

"There was nothing with auntie on." I shrugged. "But I did find this." I handed her a small black box. She opened it to reveal a small gold heart locket with the engraving, godmother.   

"Are you serious?" She asked and I nodded. 

"I already asked Marcus to get the paperwork ready for when we get back." I smiled.

"Traditionally a girl has two godmothers. You and Jane. And one godfather. Alec. You three will be the aunts and uncle but since Jane and Alec aren't actually related through blood, I want them to feel like there apart of the babies life, just as much as you and dad are. Especially with Marcus in the picture. Then boys are meant to have one godmother, you, and two godfathers, Alec and Demetri." I explained. "Demetri's already agreed, knowing the only reason I picked him is because hes your mate.But its a surprise for the twins so don't tell them." I grin.

"I promise." She smiled putting her locket on. "So..." She glanced at my dad. "You knew about Edward" And all of the other Cullens?"

"Of course I did. I grew up on those stories. I mean I've been friends with Billy since we were 6. I heard them from his grandfather and from his dad. Even from Billy himself. As soon as you ran home saying you aw giant wolves in the woods I put the pieces together. Then I remembered the legend of the cold ones and there was just too many similarities to the Cullens." He said. Well when he puts it that way how did we not figure out he'd know something.

"But why didn't you say you knew?" She asked.

"I figured if I needed to know you would have told me. And I saw you happy. SO as much as I hated him I kept quiet." He huffed. 

"Our dad. The bigger person." I grin putting my arm around his shoulder. 

"Oh get off." I laughed as he gently nudged me off.

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