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I remember the burning. I remember ever bit of pain. I didn't want Marcus to feel bad so I tried to screams in but it was so hard. It was like being surrounded by fire. I felt my heart beating until it felt like it was going to explode as the venom reached it. Then nothing. The burning stopped and my heart beat froze. I felt a hand slowly take mine, causing my eyes to shoot open and fly away from the other person. Looking over the man in front of me, I knew it who he was. I remembered who he was to me but I couldn't move.

"It's alright, love. Your instincts are taking over. Just go at your own pace." I just watched him before slowly walking over and he happily stood there waiting for me to make the first move.

"Marcus?" He chuckled and gently cupped my cheek, kissing my head. "How long?"

"3 days. How are you feeling?" I him, cuddling into his chest. He smelt like old books and the woods back home in Falks. "Are you thirsty?" The burning sensation in the back of my throat seemed to double and I nodded. He reached to one side and held up a blood bag. In under a second I grabbed the bag from him and downed the whole thing.

"Thanks." I smiled as the burning slowly faded. I looked around and saw my phone. "The kids?"

"I've called them every day. Bella sent you a few more photos and we'll call them in a moment." He mailed kissing me gently. "For now. Let's go for a run." I smiled and followed Marcus out into the dark night. He took off into a large field and I happily followed. I giggled as Marcus tries to catch me but I was slightly faster than him. I froze up smelling something close by. It smelt like burning. I looked around rapidly but couldn't see anything.

"Jamie. What is it?" Marcus wrapped his arms around me and I looked up at him.

"Don't you smell that?" I asked and he looked confused. "Smells like a bonfire."

"I smell nothing." He said looking around quickly. "Let's head back. We'll call the kids." I nodded and took his hand, heading back to our small vacation home.


I smiled as Alec bounced Sofia and Bella got Charles dressed for bed.

"So how was your first run?" Demetri asked.

"It was good till I smelt something weird that Marcus couldn't." I shrugged.

"Well right now that could be normal. Newborns have more enhanced scenes than a regular vampire." Jane smiled. "What did you smell mother?"

"It smelt like a bonfire. I'm sure your right and it was nothing." I waved it off until Jane looked extremely worried. "What?" Looking at my hand I screamed seeing it covered in flames. Marcus ran in as I waved my hand around trying to put it out. I knocked over the laptop, breaking it as well as a vase.

"Jamie. Calm down." Marcus grabbed me. "Your not in pain. Which means this is your gift. Just try to relax." I looked at him and took an unneeded breath as the flames got smaller until they went out completely. "See? Nothing too worry about."

"I want to go home." I whimper and he sighed kissing my head. I want my kids.


We said for another week before I was allowed to return home. The whole plans ride I held my breath and Marcus had a good grip on my hand. But once the plane landed I couldn't stop the smile cover my face. Marcus held the car door open for me and I climbed in. Bella say inside and Demetri was the driver.

"How was the plane ride?" She smirked.

"Horrible. I almost set fire to my seat. Twice." I sighed. She smiled and I looked outside. "How are the kids?" I asked looking back to my sister.

"Well there fine. Charles has been good as gold but Sofia has a little attitude on her. Whenever she gets fussy, Alec will try to calm her, she just wiggled and sort of yell." Bella explained and I smiled. "She gets it from her mother. "

"I think you'll find she gets it from our mother. It skipped me." I grin and she just smirked at me.

" Love. Stay beside me when we get there. If anything happens while we're with the children, just tell me and well leave the room. Jane and Alec will meet us at the entrance. Felix, Dora and Sulpica will stay with the children. " He said lacing his fingers through mine.

"A lot of security." I whisper.

"Its what you wanted." Bella frowned. "Everything will be okay."


We pulled up to the Volturi castle and I saw Jane and Alex stood in the doorway. Bella climbed out and then Marcus. I slowly got out and the twins smiled, running at me to hug me. I gently hugged them back not wanting to hurt them.

"I missed you." I smiled. They smelt like home. And I felt the need to protect them.

"How are you feeling?" Jane asked taking a step back.

"Fine. Nervous." From where I stood, I could hear two very faint heart beats. " I want to see my babies. "

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