32-Vampire Bella

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After a week of 24-7 watch and lots of tests Carlisle said I could leave the bed. I had never been so happy to walk before. Marcus had Jane and Alec around me at all times. I understand why he's worried to leave me alone so I don't mind them around. Plus it's nice spending time with them tody was special though. Today's the day Bella is turned. During my week in bed she had gone to visit our mum and now she was being turned. I'm sort of worried since I won't be able to see her for a while after.

"I'm sure everything will be alright." Dora smiled as I sat with her in the garden. Alec's head resting on my lap while Jane sat in front of us. "Aro will keep an eye on them and Demetri knows what he's doing."

"Though this will be the first person he's turned himself." Sulpica said as she read from a book in her lap. "It's rather romantic actually. The first person he'll make immortal himself is his mate."

"I think you and I have different definitions of romantic." I smirked making her giggle.

"Mother do the children have names yet?" Jane asked.

"Not yet. Marcus still hasn't told me what he's chosen. The girls middle name will be Belle and the boys first name will be Charles." I smiled. "Why do you ask?"

"We're making them a gift." Alec smiled. "Well there done we just have to add there names."

"Who knew the witch twins were so-"

"If you finish that sentence Felix I'll throw you off the roof of the castle once I'm turned." I snapped and he took a small step back.

"Sorry. I originally came to tell you that Bella has been bitten. She'll awaken in a few days." He then left.

"It's almost lunch time." I tried getting up but my bump got in the way, until Alec and Dora helped me of the bench. "I'll see you later." I smiled as the twins walked me towards the kitchen.


Three days flew by and Bella woke up. Only no one would let me see her.

"You said she had amazing control. If that's true why can't I see her." I hiss and Marcus just stood there not moving from the doorway.

"It is still a risk I would not like to take." He said and I frowned. "It's dangerous for a new born to be around humans. Especially if that human can't protect itself."

"Like when I've been turned. I can't be near the babies." I hiss and he sighed. "They can't protect themselves. Do I have to stay away from them?"

"Of course not-"

"Then why can't I see Bella!" He just stood there before taking my hand and opening the door.

"You are to stay beside me the whole time and you are to do as I say. If I say we leave then we leave." I nodded and he took me towards the guards rooms. I had only been down here twice with  Jane and Alec. Marcus knocked on the door and Demetri opened it. Bella sat on a chair and watched us.

"Master Marcus. Jamie. Please, come in." We walked inside and stood by the door. Marcus stood a little Infront of me and I got a chance to really look at Bella. She looked amazing. Just like her but with bright red eyes.

"I wish I could hug you but I might give Marcus a heart attack." I smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm okay. Demetri is helping me get used to it all." She said and I smiled. "How are you and the babies? I over heard Jane saying that you had another doctors appointment."

"We're okay. Doctor said I'm doing okay. 2 and a half months left. The doctor actually said they could be early." I smiled as Marcus brought a chair over for me to sit on.

"I can hear them. There heart beats." Marcus tensed behind me. "It's helping."

"What do you mean?" Marcus asked.

"Well I'd never hurt Jamie but just listening to the babies heart beats are relaxing. Reminds me I still have a family here with me." She smiled closing her eyes and gently tapped her finger on her leg. "Makes me forget about the burning."

"Well I'm glad to help I guess." I laughed and felt a hard kick.

"Can I feel?" I looked o Marcus's worried face and Demetri's tense figure before nodding. Bella slowly walked over and placed her hand on my belly. I gently moved it to the side where the baby was kicking. "It's weird feeling them as a vampire."

"It's weird seeing you as a vampire. But you look happy." I smiled before I heard my stomach growl. "Well since I'm still human and eating for three. I need food." Marcus helped me up from my chair. "I'll see you soon, okay Bella?" She nodded and I walked out the room with Marcus. "That wasn't so bad now was it?"

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