3-Girls Day out

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I was here for 3 days before I had enough of upset Bella. I missed the Bella that would talk to me about anything and everything. Now she just gave me sad smiles. And the nightmares' and screaming at night scared me beyond words. I walked upstairs and pulled the covers off her body. 

"Come on Bella. We're going out. I need to do some baby shopping. You are coming no but, ands or coconuts. You're in desperate need of sunlight and fresh air." I said and she just looked up at me. "20 minutes and breakfast will be ready so get showered and dressed." She nodded and I left the room. I went downstairs and my dad was sat there reading the paper, sipping coffee. He glanced up at me before going back to the paper.

"What you got planned for the day?" He asked as he went to refill his now empty cup but I took it from him.

"Oh I'm going to head to Seattle and get some baby cloths. Unisex of course. Bella's coming too. I'll get her out this house at least once while I'm here. And no more coffee for you. Its not good for you and you've already have 2 cups." I frowned handing him a bottle of water. "You go to work filled with so much caffeine that you should be shaking." He smiled and nodded. "You wont be smiling when they take your gun because your shaking so much." He laughed and I smiled. 

"I'm fine. You worry too much." He chuckled. I started breakfast. 

"If you forget the coffee I'll give you bacon." I said and he smiled.

"You got a deal." I rolled my eyes and soon there was three plates of toast, bacon and eggs. Bella only had two pieces of bacon, one egg and one piece of toast while me and my dad had double. I knew she wouldn't eat much but if she didn't eat that at least, I'm taking her to a doctor. Bella soon came down clean and dressed.

"So you girls have fun but I have to head to the station." What? I looked at his plate and it was empty. How fast does this man eat? I nodded and he kissed our heads and left quickly, grabbing his keys on the way out. Bella pocked at her food and I frowned.

"I want at least half of that eaten Bella. You barley have anything there." She nodded and nibbled on her toast making me smile. "So, what do you want a niece or nephew?" I asked.

"I want both but if I pick one it would have to be nephew." She smiled. "But I guess you can always have another." I smiled at that thought. I always wanted a nice big family. A husband and a ton of kids running around in a nice house, in a quiet neighborhood. I guy the husband part wasn't happening yet but I could still have my babies. And I would love them more than I would love anyone. Bella would be a close second. 

"Yeah I guess I could." I smiled as we finished our food. I opened my bag and pulled out my vitamins.

"What's that? Are you sick?" She asked and I saw panic set in. "Is the baby okay?"

"Bella, calm down. There just vitamins to help make sure the baby is born nice and healthy." I smiled. "Most pregnant woman take them. My midwife gave them too me when I panicked my baby might not be healthy."

"Oh. Okay." I smiled and took the dished and washed up. "Ready to head out?" I nodded and we left the house, Bella locking the door. We got into the red pick up truck and I smiled. I had been right. It was hers.


I walked around the baby shop looking at different cloths and smiled.

"I know I said I want you to have a boy, but this is adorable." Bella smiled holding an adorable little outfit. I had to agree. It was very cute. It was a long pale pink dress that puffed out with a matching bows on the back and on the headband.

After almost 3 hours I had picked out a couple unisex baby outfits. I had also grabbed a couple baby bottles....well I brought 3 packs of 6.

"Don't you think that you got a little too many bottles?" Bella asked as we walked into a diner to eat.

"Maybe. I just want to be prepared." I smiled.

"Well is there anything else you need to get?" She asked.

"Not really. But I do want to have a little look around the baby shop over the road." She nodded and I looked outside. "What time is it? I told dad we'd be back by 4." She pulled out her phone and turned it on.

"Its 1." I nodded and a waitress came over.

"Can I help you?" She asked pulling out a note book and pen.

"Yeah. Can I just get a salad-"

"She'll have a cheese burger with a side salad and fries with a diet cola. I'll have the same with water please." The waitress nodded and walked off. Bella just looked at me and pouted, crossing her arms. "You barley ate anything this morning. You are eating a decent lunch."

"Fine." She sighed. The food came out about 20 minutes later and we ate slowly, talking about Bella's classes. Once we finished we went to the small baby shop across the road. We was there for about an hour before we left. I did buy another lot of things. Mostly pacifiers, bibs, blankets and even a teddy bear.

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