Jealous Lili 4/4

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Lili's pov:

Eight months later:

It has been 8 months since I talked to Cole and Bree.
Cole tried to talk to me but I rejected him every time because of what Bree told me.
Roberto made me have a break from Riverdale because of my pregnancy, 3 months ago. So now, I don't know if Cole is okay, I don't know if him and Bree are together, I don't know where is he.
I found out my baby is a girl. But I still don't have a name for her. It's hard to find a name when you're single.

Today, I have my last appointment to see if my baby is okay. But I think she decided otherwise.
I was getting dressed when my water broke. I didn't know what to do, so I called Cole.

*On the phone*

Cole- Hello?

Lili- Cole...

Cole- Lili? Are you okay? What's wrong?

Lili- M-my water just b-broke... I-I don't know w-what to do...

Cole- Oh my god... Okay! Where are you?
Lili- At home...

Cole- I'm coming! Stay where you are!

Lili- Okay... Thank you...

*Off the phone*

I then started having a contraction. Fuck! It hurts so much! I didn't know it was going to hurt that much!
Then I realized. I said that I didn't want Cole to be a part of the baby's life. And I just called him... I'm so stupid!


After 30 minutes, I heard someone knock at the door.

Lili- Come in! Ahh!...

Cole- Lili! I'm here!

Lili- We need to go! The baby is coming!

Cole- Y-yeah okay...


I just give birth to my beautiful baby girl. She's perfect. Of course, when she was born, I cried. Cole cried too.
The baby was sleeping in her little hospital crib and Cole was looking at her with love eyes.

Cole- Hey baby, I'm your daddy. You're so beautiful princess.

He puts a finger in the baby's hand and she took it immediately.
As for me, I was looking at them. I can tell, Cole is in love with the baby.
Now I want him to be a part of the baby's life. I mean, after all, it's his daughter too.

Lili- Cole...

Cole- Yeah?

Lili- Can we talk please?...

Cole- Sure...

Lili- I need to tell you something... That you maybe... won't believe but anyway...

Cole- What's wrong?...

Lili- 8 months ago... When I was in my trailer, Bree came... At first, she said that she wanted to talk to me... but she said that she didn't want me to talk to you anymore... because you were hers... She said that I'm a shit and if... you and I were in relationship it was clearly not for my beauty... *cries and sobs*

Cole- Oh my god Lils... I didn't know that... I'm so sorry...

Lili- It's okay... But are you with her?...

Cole- No! Of course not Lils! I don't like her! When we had sex it was all because I was drunk!

Lili- I'm so sorry Cole... *cries*

Cole- Lili...

He approached me and took me in his arms.

Cole- Nothing is your fault Lils... It's all mine... I'm sorry for everything... But just know that I love you so much... And I love our baby girl so much too...

Lili- We love you too Cole...

We looked into each other's eyes and kissed.
I missed his lips so much.

Then the baby started crying. We pulled apart and looked at our princess.

Lili- I think she's hungry. Can you give her to me please?

Cole- Sure. Come here beautiful.

He took the baby and put her in my arms.
I then started feeding her. I already love breastfeeding so much. It's a little moment between us. And I love it.

Lili- We need to find her a name.

Cole- Yeah I know

Lili- Do you have an idea?

Cole- Uhm... What about April? Leah? Hanna?

Lili- I think Hanna is perfect!

I then looked into my baby's big blue eyes.

Lili- Hi baby Hanna!

And she smiled.

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