The Name

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Lili's pov:

I'm 8 months pregnant. It's so hard to do things. I can even stand up or walk. But sometimes, Cole is here for helping me.
Our baby girl is expected in One moths but we always didn't have her name. Cole liked the name of Rose, but not me. I liked the name of Emily, but not him. We couldn't decided for the name. I hope that we will find the name before she's born.


Madelaine, Camila and Kj are at Cole and I's house. It's been two hours that Cole and Kj are playing video games and that Mads, Cami and I are talking. And then, the baby's name subject came.

Madelaine- So, Lili, did you and Cole find a name for the baby?

Lili- No, not yet...

Madelaine- But what are you guys waiting for choosing?!

Cole- If I could choose the name, she'll already have it since 3 months.

Lili- So now it's my fault if our daughter doesn't have a name yet?!

Cole- I didn't say that! I just said that she could already have a name but you're too complicate!

Lili- "I" am complicate?! Sorry to want a beautiful name for my child!

Cole- Stop this Lili! You don't wanna name our daughter "Rose" because you always want to decide EVERYTHING! But don't you think that I can say some something?!

I then went to my room, crying.


It was 9pm et I always didn't ate anything. I wasn't hungry. Cole and I'd fight really makes me sad. I was laying on my bed while crying and I started to fall asleep but I heard someone behind the door.

Cole- Lils? Can I come in?

Lili- If you want, it's your room too...

He then entered. I tried to sit up but I couldn't.

Cole- Wait, I'll help you.

He took me arm and helped me. I couldn't wait to give birth to have my baby with me, and so that I could get up or put my shoes on by myself.
Cole then sat down on the floor and looked at me.

Cole- I wanted to apologize for earlier. I shouldn't have said that. I know it's hard for you, I know you're tired. I was stupid, I'm sorry. We'll take the time we'll need for finding a beautiful name for our princess.

I had tears in my eyes. I caressed his cheek and kissed him. Then, I unfortunately stopped the kiss because the baby has decided to.

L- Ouch!

Cole- What? Did I hurt you?

Lili- No, don't worry. She just kicked me.

Cole- Maybe she doesn't want to share her mommy. *laughs*

Lili- Maybe. But she needs to share her mommy right now because her mommy have to do something with her daddy...

Cole- Oh yeah?...

Lili- Yeah...

I lay down on the bed and Cole lay on me. He kissed me again et a few minutes later, we were both naked. He pushed his d*** inside me, but a few seconds later, I felt a pressure and then an hard cramp.

Lili- Cole! Stop!

Cole- What? What's wrong?

Lili- Please get out of me!

Cole- Okay...

He pushed off of me and a weird liquid came out of me.

Cole- Is that-

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