Jealous Lili 3/4

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Lili's pov:

I was waiting for Mädchen in my couch. I was crying and sobbing. I couldn't calm myself down. I still can't believe that Cole cheated on me.

I then heard a knock at my door. I opened it. It was Mädchen. She entered and we sat on the couch.

Mädchen- Lili? Why are you crying? What's wrong?

Lili- It's Cole... *cries*

Mädchen- What's wrong with Cole?

Lili- We broke up... *cries and sobs*

Mädchen- Why?

Lili- He... He cheated on me... *cries*

Mädchen- What?! But with who?!

Lili- His ex girlfriend...

Mädchen- Bree?

Lili- Y-Yes...

Mädchen- I'm so sorry Lili...

Lili- A-And I'm pregnant... *cries*

Mädchen- oh my god! Congratulations!

Lili- No... No... I can't have this baby...

Mädchen- Yes you can honey! You'll be an amazing mom!

Lili- I tell Cole that I didn't want him to be a part of the baby's life, but I can't raise it on my own... I just can't do that alone...

Mädchen- Baby, I'll be there for you! I promise! I'll help you!

Lili- Thank you so much...

Mädchen- No need to thanks me sweetheart.

She then hugged me.

Cole's pov:

I was at Skeet's house. I said he was okay with me staying at his house for sometimes. But he didn't know why I wasn't at mine.

Cole- Thank you, for letting me stay here.

Skeet- No need to thanks me Cole. But why aren't you with Lili?

Cole- Lili and I... Broke up...

Skeet- Oh. Why?

Cole- Because I cheated on her...

Skeet- You did what?!

Cole- I wasn't me. I was drunk and Bree and I had sex...

Skeet- Isn't she your ex?

Cole- Yeah...

Skeet- Oh my god Cole! How could you do that?!

Cole- I said I was drunk! I didn't know what I was doing.

Skeet- I hope you know that you made a mistake. A real big one!

Cole- Yes I know... But it's not all...

Skeet- What do you mean?

Cole- Lili is pregnant...

Skeet- I- Oh my god...

Cole- She said she didn't want me to be a part of the baby's life...

Skeet- You can't be angry at her for that. She's right. You cheated on her.

Cole- Yeah I know... But I wanna have this baby! I wanna be a father!

Skeet- You need to talk to her then!

Cole- But she doesn't want to talk to me anymore! She literally get me out of our house!

Skeet- Maybe, let her alone like 1 week?

Cole- Yeah. I will.

Skeet- Good. But I hope you will not do that again! It's not a way to treat a woman!

Cole- I know Skeet... Thank you for helping me...

Skeet- No problem.

Lili's pov:

Two days later:

I need to go to work. But I really don't wanna see Cole. I hope I'll not see him.
I was in my trailer, rubbing my little belly when someone knocked at the door. I opened it.

Lili- Hello?

?- Hi Lili!

Lili- Bree?! What the fuck are you doing here?!

Bree- I wanted to talk to you...

Lili- And I don't wanna listen to you! So leave!

Bree- Please Lili!

Do I let her come in? I didn't know what to do. But like the first time, I can't let her out. So I decided to let her entered.

Lili- Come in...

Bree- Thank you so much Lili!

I sigh then close the door.

Lili- So, what do you want?

Bree- Don't ever come to Cole again!

Lili- W-what?...

Bree- Don't talk to him anymore! Don't touch him! Because now, he's mine! I don't want you around him! You're just a shit, Lili! Do you really think he was in relationship with you for your beauty?! Of course not!

Lili- Bree don't...

Bree- Don't what?! If I see you with him, I will kill you. Is it clear?!

Lili- Y-Yeah...

Bree- Good! Thank you Lili! Bye!

She then leave and I started crying. How could she do that to me? She wanted Cole since the beginning. That's why she went to me the first time. She didn't wanted to be just friend with Cole. She wanted to be with him again.

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