The beginning

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Hiccup's P.O.V

Pain. that's the first thing I felt when I woke up. I couldn't make out of my surroundings much. My vision was extremely blurry. I felt dizzy too. I could feel the rock hard surface I am lying on. I closed my eyes again as my mind drifted back into remembering what happened in past few days.

48 hours ago, Las vegas
Normal P.O.V

"Hiccup Hayden Haddock the third. Visionary. Genius. Amarican patriot. Even from an early age the son of legendary weapon developer, Stoick Vast Haddock quickly stole the spotlight with his brilliant and unique mind. At the age four he built his first circuit board, at age six his first engine. He graduated summa cum laude from MIT when he was thirteen. But even with so much success he was considered as a disaster or runt due to his failed experiments in building non-violent weapons. Specially after the flightmare incident which caused ex air force officer Flynn Hofferson permanent paralysis he was nearly kicked out of from the company. But after his success in building the Arc reactor technology, an invention which was designed by Howard Haddock, father of Stoick Haddock, Hiccup never faced failure ever again. He became the greatest inventor in the world, gracing his state with the most high grade weapons to protect civilians. Then the passing of titan. After the death of Stoick Haddock his life long friend and ally Drago bludvist steps forward to fill the gap left by the legendary founder, until at the age of seventeen, the prodigal son returns and is anointed the new CEO of Haddock industries. With the keys to the kingdom, Hiccup ushers a new era in his father's legacy creating smarter weapons, advanced robotics, satalite targeting. Today Hiccup Haddock has changed the face of the weapon industry, ensuring freedom and protecting Amarica and her interests around the globe." Announces a man wearing air force officer suit. He continues," I, Tim Harold, am proud to say that I am a liaison to Haddock industries and have acquired the unique privileges of serving with a real patriot. Hiccup Haddock is a great friend and a great mentor and it is a great honour for me to present this Apogee award to him." With the end of Tim' sentence a spotlight shined on a male figure siting on a chair. The man is a teenager, hardly 19 years old and had a thin build and is 6ft 2in tall. He was wearing a dark brown suite and a green shirt. The man got up from his seat and walked over to the stage. He took the trophy for Tim and thanked him and stood in front of the microphone and spoke,"As you can guess I am Hiccup Haddock. The present CEO of Haddock industries and a great inventor. To be honest when I took the place of a CEO of my company 2 years ago I didn't knew what would be the outcome. I never knew what would I become in future. But with all the hard work and the help of my allies look where I am today. In 2 years Haddock industries have reached a new level in weapon manufacturing and is now an important part in defending Amarica. Many said that I wouldn't be able to do this, but being a descendent of the ancient Vikings of Berk, I was extremely stubborn. And now I am here, holding this Apogee award in my hands. Feeling proud for all my hard-work. Thank you." Hiccup ended his speech and stepped down from the stage as people were clapping for him. As the party continued a big man with long black hair and aproched Hiccup while he was having a drink. "Good speech Hiccup." That man said while ordering a glass of whiskey. "Thanks Drago." Hiccup thanked him when a blonde woman aproched him. "Hey pepper how you doing?" Hiccup greeted her. "Oh! I am doing fine just came here to remind you that you have a flight tomorrow at 7 am." Pepper replied. "You came all the way here to remind me about a flight? Aww you are turning bossy." Hiccup teased her. Pepper cracked a small smile and said ,"Working with you for 2 years will do that to anyone." "Ok. Don't worry I won't miss it." Hiccup replied and rolled his eyes. "You better not." Pepper said and walked away. "Okey better return to the party." Hiccup said to himself and went back drinking his mead.

(A few hours later)

Hiccup got extremely drunk and hardly managed to stand on his feet. He was walking to his car while Tim screamed behind him,"Don't be late for the flight." "Don't worry I won't." Hiccup yeilled back and got to his car. He was about to enter it when an 18 year old came towards him and said,"Mr. Haddock, I am Christine Evadeen. Would you mind answering some questions?" "Sure" "What do you think about your nickname 'Da Vinci of mordern era'" "I think it's absolutely ridiculous. I don't paint, although I am very good at sketching things" "Then what about 'The creator of death'" "That's kind of flashy." "Do you have ever thought about the lives which were lost because of your weapons?" "Have you ever thought about how many lives weapons are saving. Many hospitals and refugee camps are funded with the money my company gains from selling weapons. Or the advancements in the medical technology which are made by Haddock industries. We save lives." "Okay. Have you ever lost your sleep at night." "Oh yeah. Many times believe me." Christine looked at him for a moment, then said,"How about losing some with me?" And gave him a seductive smile. Hiccup smirked at that. Soon Hiccup found himself back in his house, lying on his bed with Christine on top of him. They were engaged in a furious makeout session. Christine briefly pulled away and took of her top and went back to kissing Hiccup and they spent the rest of the night making love.

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