Episode 2: From Up Above

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The boy had his weapons raised.
"I said, who are you?!"

Before anyone could say anything, Kai jumped in and said, "how about YOU start?"
The boy struck at him but Kai was too quick and held him back.

He used his fire power but that seemed to make the guy bigger.
Kai was given a punch that sent him rolling.

"Oh my goodness, fine." Cole said. "NINJAGO" he then turned into his mini-earth tornado as he attacked.
The boy dodged the spinjitsu tornado and spun a staff at him.
Cole noted that the boy's moves were quick and seamless, almost as if he were flexible.
Nya jumped up from behind, spraying everything with water. The boy used Cole's strength against him and threw him on Nya sending them both crashing toward the ground.

Jay jumped in, using his nun-chuck skills to startle the boy. With his quick moves he punched the boy with a fistful of lightning.
The boy was not even phased, the current went through his body and into the ground.
He then expanded his fist and punched the master of lightning so hard, he flew through a wall.

"Did you just see that?!?" Lloyd exclaimed.

"He can expand and manipulate his body parts to his will," Zane observed.

"That can only mean one thing... He's an elemental master," Lloyd concluded.

They both spinjitsued in order to circle and confuse the boy.

Zane zapped him with a block of ice. The boy gave a scream of pain as his arm shrunk back to regular size.
Lloyd then hit him with a surprise energy blast.

"Zane, that's it," he yelled, "he's weak to ice, keep zapping him."
Ice blast after ice blast, the boy was pushed back to the wall. With one very powerful energy blast to the head, the boy hit the floor, unconscious.


The boy woke up with a jump. He saw the Ninja overlooking him and he tried to attack but found that he was chained to the bed.

"That's vengestone," Kai said smugly, " it cancels your elemental powers. So no shenanigans from you."

Lloyd bent down to his eye level. "Tell us who you are and we 'might' go easy on you."

"Ninja," Wu said walking in with a steaming pot of tea and cup in hand, "have I taught you nothing? The best way to defeat your enemy is to make him your friend. Tea?"

He held out a cup to the boy, who took it and gulped savagely.
Wu sat down opposite him and asked, "What's your name?"
The boy wiped his face and replied, " Matt."

Wu gave a friendly smile, "okay Matt, I do not know about you. Would you be kind enough to tell me where you are from?"

Matt replied, " I am the master of shape and I come from a realm called Flowsen." He then gave his story.

"I grew up on Flowsen, raised by the Sun spirits. They told me that I got my powers from my father. I never knew him but he sent me to Flowsen to train."

Wu stroke his chin, "I know of Flowsen as one of the 16 realms and I think I know of your father as well..." he trailed off. He got up and left the room.

"That explains why he expanded when Kai hit him with his power but felt pain with Zane's ice. He's like rubber." Lloyd said.

The other Ninja sat around Matt as if begging him to continue.
Having nowhere to go, Matt continued his story.

"They told me that I was important, that my father sent me there to learn how to use my powers and stop an oncoming evil. My master, Gojinn, was like a father to me. over the years as I grew up, he raised and trained me. He taught me how to use my powers and create an elemental dragon. I heard of the stories of the Ninja, who saved ninjago from destruction multiple times. Gojinn promised me that he would teach me spinjitsu and airjitsu when I was ready but sadly I can't anymore."

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