Episode 3: Dark Holes

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Cloud Kingdom was a beautiful place. Not only was it a kingdom literally sitting on clouds but it was stunning.
The whole atmosphere and sense of the place made it feel like a dream.
Am I dreaming? Matt thought, this can't be real.
The Ninja followed Nobu to the transport boats. The way people travelled in Cloud Kingdom was by riding on boats that instead of moving on water, moved on air.
They ascended slowly as they made it to Nobu's castle.

"If you know everything, why didn't you speak before?" Lloyd asked.
"Yeah, do you know how much trouble you could have saved us if you gave a little heads up?" Kai added.
Nobu merely chuckled, "it is the rule of the writers to not interfere with anyone's destiny. People are supposed to shape and change their own paths of life. If we interfered, everything would be too random and different."
Before anyone else could interrupt, he continued, "of course, we can make exceptions, like the time when you were looking for the Sword of Sanctuary."
"And now... Are you doing the same... for me?"
Nobu turned to Matt, " Yes Matt, it turns out that your destiny is tied to us. That in order for you to complete your destiny, your journey, we must intervene."

They finally reached the castle and Nobu took them to the head writer room.
"This new villain you face is a dangerous one," he said looking through different scrolls, trying to find the right one, " if you are going to defeat him and save Ninjago, you must know everything about him, Matt and how all this is connected. You need to know your enemy if you are to truly find yourself," he said giving a glance to Matt.
"Aha, found it," he said, pulling the scroll down out of its slot.

He unrolled it on the table as he addressed to the Ninja, "This is everything you need to know about Kranus."


Ninjago had been made. The Overlord rose and the first spinjitsu master had to defend his creation. The two fought and the first spinjitsu master was able to end the battle by splitting Ninjago in two and banishing the Overlord to another realm.
Peace then came over Ninjago as the Dark Lord would not return for decades maybe even over 100 years.

The Overlord found himself in the Realm of Madness. A realm that was pure evil. Everything from the creatures and the environment were corrupt. This was heaven to the Overlord. But it wasn't Ninjago, he wanted Ninjago.
Then suddenly all around him were creatures that rose up out of the mud. Forming themselves into full figures. They moved like zombies, slowly approaching the Overlord in an attack formation.
The leader of the group was large, larger than the Overlord himself but that did not phase him at all.
The Overlord sent a blast of negative energy, sending them flying.
Instead of being destroyed, the creatures absorbed the energy and completely transformed
They were no longer mud creatures but now had full bodies with star-like dots on them. They were purple instead of their grey mud color. They were now made of Dark Matter. On top of all that, they had gained intelligence. They began to think and talk.
The leader of the creatures walked up to the Overlord and bowed down to him.

"You gave us sentience, why?"
The Overlord realised that he could manipulate these creatures to do his bidding. If they are loyal to him, he could use them to take back Ninjago. Especially considering the fact that he lost his stone warriors.
"I did it because I am a compassionate god. I did it because I need your help. What is your name?"
The creature looked confused, like it had no idea what a name was.
"That's okay, I will give you a name. You shall be... Kranus."

The creature looked happy, like this was the first time it was appreciated.
"Come now, there is much to do," the Overlord stated.

Over the next few years, the Overlord taught the dark matter soldiers how to fight. They were already born with evil making up their bodies, so they turned out to be ruthless warriors.
He taught them how to control and use their powers, how to adapt to any situation. They even made these weapons that could vaporized anything they blasted.

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