Episode 1: The Arrival

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The plan actually worked. The Time Twins were finally caught in Kryptarium prison 40 years in the future.
"Will they ever get out?" the Warden asked.
"Not for a long time," future Kai replied, "Thanks to this Cronosteel cell and our past selves, we knew exactly what to do to capture the Twins properly and effectively."
"It was my idea after all," he added.

"Even after 40 years you're still the same self-absorbed hot head, aren't ya?" Lloyd teased.

The whole team chuckled as the Time Twins cursed from their cell.
"How are you still alive?" Acronix yelled.
"We made sure to come to a time period where you would not exist." Krux growled.
"That's because Ninja never quit and we will keep fighting even if it takes us another 40 years," Jay piped up.

"Enjoy sitting in that Cronosteel cell," Kai said playfully, "because you are going to be in there for a long time."

The Ninja walked away as the Time Twins yelled saying that one day they would be back.


The Ninja went back to the monastery with all the time blades. Thanks to their recent adventure, they had two reversal blades.

"It's a good thing you told your younger self to prepare for the Twins with the reversal blade," Nya stated, "40 years of planning really went a long way."

"Yes, but now we need to return these things to their proper time period," Kai replied, "we can keep the second reversal blade."

With that,the Ninja did their dance, opening the wormhole.
As they threw the four blades in, a creature attacked them from behind.
This creature was fast, stealthy, almost as if it was made of shadow itself.

It took the Ninja by surprise and grabbed the second reversal blade.
"Look!" Jay exclaimed. "It has the realm crystal."
The figure laughed as it exclaimed," REVENGE! All will be destroyed when I have my revenge."
With that, it jumped through the wormhole and disappeared.
The future versions of the Ninja were, dazed. They had no idea what just happened and all had a collective feeling of dread; as they feared a new being threatened Ninjago's fate.


*Jump 40 years back to the present*

The present Ninja celebrated. They got Master Wu back, the time blades were returned and the land of Ninjago was safe.

"Well done, Ninja" Wu commented, "By beating the time Twins at their own game, you were able to trap them in the future and bring peace."

"We no longer have to wait 40 years in anxiety that they may return," Lloyd added.
"We can finally rest," Kai breathed.
'Using our future selves was a spark of genius," Jay exclaimed.
"Now we never have to worry about them again," Wu said relaxed.


Months passed and Ninjago prospered. The Time blades were given to Cyrus Borg, who promised to hide them. The vermilion warriors were defeated and Ray and Maya returned to their old black smith shop.

"Must you really go back to blacksmithing?" Kai wondered.
"After being enslaved for years, forced to do it, don't you get tired?" Nya asked.

"What can I say," Ray laughed, "Once a blacksmith, always a blacksmith. It's not work if it's something you love and smithing is my passion."
"Don't worry children, your father and I will find other things to enjoy and acclimatise to the times," Maya assured her kids.

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