Episode 4: Sun Spirits

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The Ninja brought the Time Dragon to an open field. Zane, Jay and Nya began working on it and tinkering with it to see how it worked.

"Okay, so the controls are here," Jay said excitedly, looking at all the buttons.

"The wiring is a bit complex but I can definitely work with it," Zane stated.

Nya looked around the hull of the vehicle, "everything is in perfect shape and order, let's hope it doesn't break and we fall out into the time stream."

Cole had created a sort of makeshift landing strip while Kai, Lloyd and Matt carried supplies to the vehicle.

"I can't believe I'm going to time travel, this is so cool!" Matt said trying to keep up with the excitement.

"I can't believe we're time travelling again," Kai groaned.

Once everything had been placed, Cole smacked the side of the dragon and yelled, "let's test this bad boy,"
However, just before any test could be conducted, figures appeared from the hill below.
It was none other than Kranus and his dark matter soldiers. They raced up the hill like savage animals, waving their weapons and firing their blasters.

Matt was shaking, "What do we do? what do we do?!?"
Lloyd calmly said, "well looks like we can't take this thing for a test drive, we need to go now,"
"But how?" Kai asked, "It's gonna take too long to start, we'll never get out of here in time, they'll rip it apart. They'll never allow the Time Dragon to get off the ground."

Lloyd sighed, "it seems that some of us will have to stay then. Hold off the dark matter soldiers till we're in the clear."
"Zane will go with you guys," Jay said first, " he can handle the ship, just don't break it, I still wanna press some buttons."
"Lloyd and I promised to take care of Matt, so we'll have to go too." Kai piped up.
"So that just leaves me and Cole," Nya concluded.
"It's okay, the three of us can take 'em," Cole said punching his fists together.
The four Ninja got into the time machine while the other three geared up for battle.
Nya and Kai hugged before separating, "take care of yourself bro, come back in one piece,"
"Yeah and don't die immediately without me," Kai joked.
Lloyd and Zane booted up the machine and when all systems were running, the Time Dragon took off.

The dark matter soldiers fought the three Ninja who stayed behind and when the saw the Time Dragon take flight, they blasted at it, trying to bring it down.
But it was too late, the Time Dragon flew into the sky and disappeared into a blue portal that had opened up and closed behind them.
Kranus, enraged, shouted, "NOOOO!!!!"
Before he could do anything, Jay shouted, "hey ugly!"
Kranus turned to him with his blood shot eyes.
"Heh, heh, I said ugly and he looked," Jay laughed.
Kranus roared and charged with his soldiers in tow.
Jay, Cole and Nya all shouted, "NINJAGO!!!" and ran down the hill to battle with Kranus and his soldiers.


The Ninja travelled through the portal, they saw blue at first, then a bunch of rainbow colours zipped by them before they reached their destination.
They looked out the window and what they saw amazed them.

It was a world, another realm that most of them had never been to before. The entire surface of the realm was yellow only with black spots covering it here and there. These black spots were swirling and seemed to be eating the yellow as it was releasing it.
Tendrils of yellow energy seemed to shoot out of the ground and kiss the sky before going back in.
The inhabitants of this realm were also strange looking.
They looked like tall ghosts with legs. They had faces but no discerning features between them, they had thin bodies and stick-like limbs. They seemed to emanate the same energy as the realm and the tendrils that shoot from the ground.
Their most defining trait though was their yellow bodies. These creatures were as yellow as the world they lived on. They blended in so well that it was hard to make them out. The ninja even struggled to see them for a while.
This place looked like they were standing on the surface of the sun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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