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I lick my lips as I inhale yet another gin and tonic

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I lick my lips as I inhale yet another gin and tonic. The bitter taste of the aromatic tonic leaves an aftertaste which I love. Bonnie and Caroline are laughing and dancing around the booths of Mystic Grill. The boys - Stefan and Damon are keeping me company while Skyler and Klaus are loving it up. I say that because it looks exactly like it but knowing my best friend, she probably put some distance between the two. Just like me.

I smirk at that thought and finish the last sip of my drink, feeling the alcohol wash over me. I feel my head get giddy and my body relaxes. It's been a long day at work and we've finally wrapped up the case to which my friends proposed a celebration at the Grill which brings us to now.

Stefan eyes my now empty drink and then gestures at the bar. "Another one?" I nod stoically and he smiles at me before lumbering towards the bar. Damon eyes me in interest as I release a sigh.

"What is it, Damon?"

He chuckles and leans back against the leather cushioned seat. His muscles straining against his black tee. He places his arm around my seat and my heart starts racing instantly from the close proximity. Damned it. He's even more dangerous to my heart now that I'm drunk.

"You're drunk. Never seen you drunk before and I find it amusing, babe." He shoots me a shit eating grin and I roll my eyes at that before I eye his beer glass warily.

"Stop calling me babe." I scoff and push my hair back.

"Or what, Hale?" Damon is suddenly in my face, our lips nearly brushing as I let out a small gasp.

"Ever heard of personal space, Salvatore? Move it." I snap back and attempt to push him back but Damon grabs my hand and pulls me into his chest.

"Nope, but I love getting into yours." He winks and I groan and shove him back.

"You're drunk." I retort as I observe him carefully but frown slightly. "Wait..." His pupils aren't dilated and he looks completely fine. Stable. Which is odd considering that beer has at least two units and they make you tipsy way faster than a spirit and mixer. I'm currently blabbering facts but I still find it hard to believe that he's not drunk. His knowing smirk tells me everything.

Asshole. He did that deliberately.

Before I can snap at him, Skyler stumbles to the table with a huge grin. "I'm drunk."

I giggle, forgetting about Damon as I stand up to hug her. "Same, it's been bloody ages! Let's go home and grab some food?" The second I mention food, Klaus appears out of nowhere and with a mysterious smile, wraps his arm around her waist.

"No need for that sweetheart, I'll take care of her."

I frown at him and shake my head but before I can retort, a muscular arm circles around my waist, pulling me into a hard chest. "And I'll bring this one home."

"Wait, what? No." I say but I don't even get to process anything because it all happens so fast. I'm suddenly outside with my coat on, letting the cold wind slap my face as I walk down the quiet streets with Damon.

"Wait, why did you drag me out of there? I need to get Skyler, I don't know Klaus and don't trust him." I shoot back angrily and Damon sighs.

"She's safe and if Klaus wants to take her home, he will. She's safest next to him." His cold tone signals the end of the conversation.

"And I should trust you, why?" I raise an eyebrow questioningly and his stupid smirk comes back.

"You shouldn't." He chuckles dryly. "But trust your best friend, she would never go home with someone she doesn't trust hm?"

I sigh heavily and wrap my coat around me tightly. I mean she's been hanging out with Klaus for months now and I've no reason to suspect him. It's just me acting out because being alone with Damon makes me so nervous and giddy. I'm too distracted to take in my surroundings because the next thing I know Damon's arm circles around my waist and he pulls me behind him.

"Damon?" I gasp out softly and my eyes shoot up to meet another man standing in front of my house.

"I want you to run into your house, don't turn back. Run when I tell you to. Understood?" He murmurs into my ear, sending shudders down my spine. I stare at the man in front of us though.

Black orbs for eyes that look soulless. He stands in the way preys get ready to devour their predators, a cocky smirk on his face as he watches me. His nostrils flare as the wind rushes past me and Damon goes rigid.

"Now!" Damon roars as he shoves me towards the stone walkway of my house. I run towards my door and with trembling hands unlock my door and stumble in. I hear a loud cry of agony and I whip around in fear for Damon, only to nearly convulse from the sight in front of me.

Damon has the man's bent over his lap like a glow stick and his face is in his neck. He finally snaps the man's neck back and his head casually rolls to my lawn before he looks up. Red eyes staring at me ferociously with elongated teeth, long and bare, dripping with blood. I snap back to reality when he takes a step forward and I take a step back.

I should be freaking out. I should be running for my life but for some reason, I'm calm. I knew they existed. Hell, if witches like me and Sky existed, I knew there had to be more supernatural creatures. I just refused to acknowledge it. It made sense though. His superhuman strength, speed and agility - it all adds up.

"I told you, Yasmine. The door is to keep monsters like me away." He snarls as he wipes the blood from his lips, his fangs finally retreating. He stands at the threshold of my door, staring at me. Those black orbs challenging me - what are you going to do now, Hale?

I stood rooted to the ground. Paralyzed in my shock, slightly shaking. "Was he a vampire?" I ask. One nod. "Would he have killed me?" Another nod.

"Why can't you enter?"

"I need to be invited in." Comes his simple answer as he cocks his head to the side. His challenge evident in those black orbs - well? They mock me. Fuck.

"Come in, Damon." I whisper and the next thing I know I'm caged in between his muscular hands against the wall.

"I'll never let anyone hurt you, Yasmine. And that includes me." He whispers, his hot breath swirling in my face and my eyes slide shut. I feel his lips brush against mine ever so gently before his callused knuckles lift my chin up gently.

I open my eyes to stare into his black orbs.

"What do you want from me, Yasmine? Say it, princess." His gaze turns heavy lidded and I inhale a sharp breath.

"Kiss me." I mumble before I lean up to finally press my lips against him and I nearly sigh in relief. Our lips meld perfectly, like they were made for each other. He moves his plush lips against mine gently, slowly yet teasingly before he pulls away.

"Are you scared?" He asks before pressing his lips to my hairline.

"For some reason, no." I admit truthfully and he pulls away with a dry chuckle.

"Wrong answer, baby. You should always be scared." Damon's intense gaze has me mesmerized as I stare into his eyes before he resumes. "But I'll never let anything hurt you, including me." I can hear the promise in his voice even after he leaves me alone in the dark to my thoughts.

I'm truly, utterly and irrevocably fucked, aren't I?

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