Out of town

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A lot has happened in the past few months of being in Mystic Falls

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A lot has happened in the past few months of being in Mystic Falls. For instance, Klaus and I ended up having sex basically every night and spare time of day we could find. Finn Mikealson was killed and everyone discovered that if you kill an original, their whole sire line dies. Therefore, because of me, everyone is reluctant to kill Klaus.

Klaus also found out about the white oak still existing so him and I didn't stop until every last one was destroyed. Once that was done, things just got even worse. Elena died and became a vampire. She had vampire blood in her system when Rebekah killed her.

Then a crazy ass Hunter named Connor came into town, on a mission to kill all vampires which doesn't settle well for me. Klaus tortured him to discover where the cure for vampirism was. Yep, that sounds like my boyfriend. However, he escaped but classic Elena killed him. Which was led to her being haunted by Connor, if you kill a hunter that's apart of the five, they haunt you until you eventually kill yourself, making you their last victim. Rebekah, Yasmine and I were all for Elena dying however, Klaus still wanted her to take the cure so he could make more hybrids.

It was then identified that Jeremy would be the next Hunter so he would have to kill a vampire to activate his Hunter side. Which he did, he killed on of Klaus' hybrid's. By doing so, he stopped Elena from being mentally tortured by Connor. As he was the new Hunter. Jeremy was now being trained to fight vampires. On the other hand, Kol was worried to his stomach that by finding the cure, we would bring back Silas. Kol was terrified of Silas coming back, Silas was immortal and he could create illusions. Whatever he was, Kol was frightened of him so that must mean he's bad. Kol would stop at nothing to make sure Silas never came back, which meant Klaus would have to dagger him again.

That was all that happened so I decided to take a trip down memory lane with my best friend Yasmine. We were going to find my mother. Therefore, I was talking to Klaus about how I would be away for a few days.

Right now, we were currently cuddling on the couch. "Klaus, I have decided to visit my mother. I did a locator spell and found out where she lives. Yasmine said she would join me on the road trip because we want to spend some quality time together. I'm just letting you know, we are leaving tomorrow morning." I spoke as I scooted closer towards him.

"Okay darling, are you sure you're ready for this? I mean after all, your mother doesn't seem like the best one." Klaus was beyond concerned knowing that my past with my mother was overwhelming.

"Yeah, I guess. I want to meet her, it's been a constant thought in my preconscious mind, I have forced it out of my conscious mind for a long time now. I think I should finally face the haunting thought." I admitted whilst leaning on Klaus' chest. His arms were securely wrapped around my waist and our legs were tangled together.

"Well, if that's what you wish. I do hope everything goes your way love. Do you wish for me to come along?" Klaus asks as his hands run themselves through my hair.

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