3 0 | F I R S T S T E P

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i don't super love this chapter, which is probably why it took so long for me to write it. however, i felt like some more time needed to pass before ren goes back to the bau.


"it's one of those good white people songs"

Physically, Florence healed from her kidnapping fairly well

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Physically, Florence healed from her kidnapping fairly well. Her bruises disappeared and her stitches were removed. The broken ribs didn't cause much pain, and she had moved off the strong pain medication to regular Tylenol, which had eased Reid's mind. There were two weeks left before she could return to work, and the only signs that Florence had even been taken were the doodle-covered cast and a bunch of scars that would never go away.

Florence's mental health, however, was a whole other story — and one that she was doing her best to hide from those around her.

She was waking up screaming just about every night, haunted by her nightmares. Well, not nightmares, but memories. Florence would never bring them up whenever the others visited her. She'd smile and joke and do her best to act normal, letting them think that she was getting a little bit better.

Of course, the BAU profilers saw right through it, but they let her get away with it, knowing she needed more time.

Reggie had been wonderfully understanding and attentive during all of it. He was almost always at Florence's apartment with her, doing everything he could to help when not at his band rehearsal or their gigs. He did all his schoolwork over at her place too and did his best to dedicate the rest of his free time to her.

Florence's happy facade had managed to fool Reggie for the first few days, which he was sad to admit. Unfortunately, he didn't think he'd ever get the image out of his head of coming over with plans for a Star Wars marathon and instead found Florence mid-panic attack on the floor. Reggie had rushed to her side, but he had no idea what to do, so he had to call Morgan, who talked him through helping her.

Morgan would never admit it out loud, but seeing Reggie step up and take care of Florence made him like the boy a little bit more.

The panic attacks had been a more recent development, but Florence hadn't told anyone about them, not wanting anyone to worry more. They only ever happened when she was alone, and if Reggie hadn't wandered in while she was having one, she would have continued to try and deal with them on her own.

Other than her check-ups with a doctor, Florence didn't leave her apartment much. Of course, the first few weeks, she didn't feel like it. Broken ribs sure made it difficult to move around. But eventually, JJ convinced Florence to accompany her, Will, and Henry to the park one afternoon. Reggie and Julie tagged along for fun.

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