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TRIGGER WARNING: TALKS OF SUICIDE/SUICIDAL FEELINGS. Please don't read if it will make you uncomfortable. If you'd like to know if you missed anything, DM me and I can answer any questions


"i just needed someone to care about me, but no one did"

Florence and Garcia were a bit caught off guard when they were asked to accompany the team on a case

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Florence and Garcia were a bit caught off guard when they were asked to accompany the team on a case. Really, they weren't even sure if it was a true case — they were investigating four teen suicides to see if foul play was involved. So, the two technical analysts had grabbed their rarely used go-bags and gotten on the fancy plane for Florence's third trip.

"Sir, it's not that I'm not glad to be coming with you, because I am. I just don't understand the why," Garcia told Hotch.

"Same," Florence muttered. She frowned down at the Capri Sun she was trying to open, but she kept missing the hole with her straw.

"One of the aspects of an equivocal death investigation, when suicide is a probability, is an indirect personality assessment," Hotch told them. "Our victims are all internet generation kids. There should be invaluable personal data on their computers to mine for the evaluation."

"If they committed suicide, evidence of it will probably in their cyber world," Morgan added.

"So I'm gonna snoop through dead kids' computers?" Garcia asked.

"This plane seldom makes pleasure trips," Rossi told them.

"Besides, Ren likes to do the snooping part," Prentiss said. "Digging up personal information and being nosy is her favorite part of the job, right?"

"Uh, yeah," Florence said, a little unenthusiastically. Prentiss frowned at her lack of enthusiasm. "Sorry, just sleepy, and being on this fancy plane couch makes me want to take a nap. I was up late last night talking with my old roommate from Seattle. She's planning a trip to New York in a week and a half and wants me to come to try and reconnect or something."

"Well, hold off on sleeping," Morgan said, putting an arm around her. "We got a case to solve. But you should definitely go. You deserve a vacation."

"We've all been over the files. Let's talk about victimology," Hotch said.

"Ok. All four kids were decent students, from different neighboring towns, but the same school and the same county," Rossi said.

"Active in sports and community," Morgan added.

"Intact families, no mental disorders, no precipitating events," Prentiss said.

"These are just average good kids," Morgan stated. "There has to be some underlying issue."

"Besides relative proximity, there's no obvious connection between any of them," Reid said.

"It seems to rule out an overt suicide pact," Hotch guessed.

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