3 | I N A C C E S S I B L E

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"we will be having a talk about ethics once this case is finished"

Florence's first day at the BAU had been relatively nice — a lot nicer than jail would've been

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Florence's first day at the BAU had been relatively nice — a lot nicer than jail would've been. At the end of the day when she left for her new apartment, which was only a ten-minute skateboard ride from the building she now worked in, she had a good idea of what the people she would be working with were like.

Of course, there was Garcia, who she would be sharing an office with each day. When Florence thought of an FBI agent, Garcia was the complete opposite. They shared a similar happy outlook on life and a love for computers. Her positive and flirty attitude was certainly something Florence was looking forward to each day.

Next was Morgan, who was just as flirty with the quirky tech analyst. He liked to joke around and poke fun at everyone else. At the end of the day, he had made her smile the most. His humor was promising, considering the types of things they saw out on their cases.

Prentiss and JJ had made a joint effort to visit Florence a few times during the day, whether to just say hello or to ask her a new question. Despite being the younger of the two, Florence felt that JJ had a more mothering personality than Prentiss. Both clearly liked to have fun though, so she hoped they could all become friends since she didn't know anyone in Virginia.

Reid seemed a little shy, but he lit up any time that Florence asked him things. She quickly found that it didn't matter what she asked him — Reid just loved to share information that he had collected. Even though she forgot 98% of the statistics and facts he threw at her, she knew it made him happy so it was worth it.

Perhaps it was a little early to deem them as such, but Florence got the vibe that Rossi was the fun mom of the group, and Hotch was the strict dad. Over lunch, Hotch had sighed heavily at just about everything that left Florence's mouth while Rossi basically encouraged some of her questionable behavior. Hotch had also declared that he was going to make her learn her social security number, which made her laugh. When they got back to their office, Garcia had admitted that Hotch may try to parent her a little bit as he got to know her better, which they both agreed would likely be hilarious.

Florence went home happy that they were nothing at all like Erin Strauss, and she was also pleased to learn the others weren't fond of the Section Chief either. It was a good, calm day, and no one had treated her horribly. What more could she ask for?


Her second day at the BAU was not quite as calm — it wasn't calm at all actually. Her phone rang several hours before her alarm was supposed to go off. It was Garcia letting her know that there was a case and it couldn't wait for them to all get to work at a normal time.

Two young, teenage girls had been kidnapped. Apparently, one of the bodies had been recovered, but it was so mutilated that they couldn't ID whichever girl it was. The thought of the girl and those poor parents who didn't know if their daughter was dead or alive was enough to wake her up.

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