8 | T A X E S

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"what are taxes"

"You know, you should really be wearing protective gear when you're on that thing

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"You know, you should really be wearing protective gear when you're on that thing."

"I've never gotten hurt on it," Florence said, shrugging.

"You're literally putting a bandaid on your knee right now," Garcia said, pointing at her left knee which had two pink bandages on it. "You ride your skateboard to work every day and half the time, you don't even remember to bring your helmet."

"Well, it's just a ten-minute ride on a straight and well-paved sidewalk. It's a perfectly safe trip."

"Says the one with the bleeding knee," Garcia said, sipping on her coffee.

Florence waved her off. "It's just a flesh wound."

"Did Spencer show you Monty Python and the Holy Grail?"

"Yup. It was really funny. He said he's gonna show me Life of Brian next."

There was a knock at their door and JJ stuck her head in. She had files in her hand, so they knew that there was a case. "Briefing room in thirty."

JJ handed them the files, but also two little envelopes. Garcia and Florence shared a look before tearing into them. They were invitations to a baby shower for JJ in two weeks. It was yellow because JJ and Will had decided to wait until the baby came to find out the sex of it. Of course, Florence knew that it was just so Will could put off paying her the twenty dollars.

"A baby shower invitation," Florence said while Garcia squealed in excitement. "No thanks, JJ. I can have a regular-sized shower at my apartment whenever I want."

JJ sighed and tried to hide her smile. "Ren, you're uninvited."

"Noooo," she whined. "I'm sorry. Please let me come and get your son his first Nerf gun.

Garcia rolled over and patted her on the shoulder. "Maybe stick to the registry, Sweetie."

"Actually," JJ said, chuckling, "Will would have a field day with a Nerf gun."

"Wait!" Florence said, jumping from her chair. "Brilliant idea! While you ladies are at the baby shower, I can round up the guys and we can have a Nerf fight. I mean, I'd be at a disadvantage because they're all certified to use actual guns, but still. It'll be a blast."

"I'm sure Prentiss could give you some tips."


"Ok," JJ started once everyone had arrived at the briefing room. "Six victims have been killed in a series of burglar-homicides all over central California. In order Bakersfield, Fresno, Chico, and, two nights ago, Alan and Brenda Paisley in Sacramento."

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