Part 1

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i zoned out whilst me and my ex boyfriend, Emily's father watched her open her birthday presents. What if she didn't like her present? what if she's not in love with them anymore? What if it's cancelled? thoughts ran through my head just like this.

An ear piercing screech was all it took for my now 5 year old daughter to come dashing into my arms, then straight into her fathers. She's been wanting these tickets to the boys for so long that it's crazy how she even got them. Her father Jamie and I had to stay up until 3 am to even get these tickets, One Direction have to be an amazing band if their tour is sold out in minutes.

"Thank you so much mummy thanks daddy I love them!" after getting those tickets she didn't care about anything else, the boys meant the world to her. We got her a few barbies and other bits too but it didn't matter to her.

I was a teen mum, I met her father in High School, we grew up together in South London and we started to date not long after we went to high school. Everything was going well and we had been dating for just over a year when we first did it... and I got pregnant with my baby girl at 16 and I'm now 21 sitting in my apartment watching my  little girl obsess over these 5 men to her dad it was weird, to me it was just normal I have to admit these boys were quite handsome, their voices were so angelic.

I wander into the kitchen and and I felt a tug on my joggers, "Mummy?" I looked down to my leg and Emily is starring up to me with her big brown eyes just like mine. "Yes baby" she smiles at the name as I lean down to pick her up.  " Can we listen to One direction?" she asks in her baby voice and I nod and look over to Jamie and he sighs and connects his phone to the speakers and "best song ever" starts to play. Emily claps her hands and giggles she moves in my arms and I take that as a signal to put her down, as soon as she does she starts dancing and singing to the music. I giggle at her and began making pancakes as that is what Emily chose for her birthday breakfast.

2 weeks later:

I was going through my emails when I saw one from One Direction, 02 concert. my mind instantly went into panic mode thinking the worse that the show had been cancelled and I'd have to break the news to Emily that she wouldn't be seeing her favourite people. The tickets were expensive as well, we wanted Emily to have the best experience so we payed for standing tickets right by the stage so they boys would be able to see us.

She is the biggest fan girl you would ever meet, I look over at her and she's playing with her new barbies. I close my laptop down and go to sit with her.

"Princess" she whips her head up smiling and her hair flying everywhere. "Yes mummy" she giggles. "We're going to see One Direction in 2 days" I smile at her and she screams then pretends to faint, I cover my ears and giggle at her dramatic action.

I take a picture of her laying on the floor with her teddy bear, Barbie and her in her One Direction onesie andI posted it on my private story on Snapchat.  Come on princess let's go watch some tv. She smiles and looks at me and I know exactly what look she's giving me.

"Fine" I chuckle and put one direction music videos on, as she fist pumps the air getting ready to watch them. The music video for "story of my life" came on and I sat there watching the boys as they each appear on screen. My eyes widened as Harry comes on the screen, wow he looked good... I was never going to admit out loud that I fancied Harry, but I really really fancied Harry! Who wouldn't like he's so sweet and kind to everyone, I feel bad for him because he's been called a womaniser and a playboy just because he's friends with girls, like it's a crime to be friends with the female gender. It's not fair on him, he seemed like such a sweet boy, and so down to earth, he didn't deserve all the hate he gets.

Emily was running round the living room screaming lyrics out, and I knew quite a few so we danced around singing until I heard a knock on the door. I turned the volume down and walked into the hallway to open the door.

My smile dropped when I was Jamie stood at the other side of the door.

"Madelyn" he nods and I just shake my head and let him in. He runs over abs grabs Emily and tickles her to the floor. As much as I don't like him, he is a good dad to Em. When he found out I was pregnant he was really annoyed and walked out on me and didn't call me for days. I honestly thought I was going to have to do this all alone. But he called me and just explained that he needed a cool down which I let him as it's understandable, I would freak out too knowing I would be having a kid, he's a year older that me so he's 22, finding out as a 17 year old boy your going to be a dad is a crazy thing to have to think, but being 16 and knowing your going to be a mum and having to push a life out of your hooha is even crazier.

"Em's, daddy has come to see you since he won't be seeing you before we go to see One Direction" I smile at her and she plays with her dad for a bit whilst I make some dinner.

"Err madelyn its time for me to go" he announced unexpectedly, after looking at his phone. I just nodded, he said his goodbyes to Emily and quickly made his way out of the apartment. Before I even got a chance to get to the hallway he'd already left and closed the door behind him.

"Mummy does daddy not love me anymore? He seemed mad" she looks at me with tears in her eyes. I crouch down to her and open my arms which she instantly comes into comfortably and cried.

"Baby, daddy will always love you, I don't know why he had to leave or why he seemed mad but I promise you darling it wasn't you" I pulled away to look at her in the eyes and wipes her tears. "Now come on let's go watch another music video before bath time" she nods and smiles and skips away into the living room. I love her with all my heart, I don't want her to grow up ....

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