Part 17

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Mads Pov:

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and noise in the kitchen. I sighed as I got up from the couch and stretched.

Walking in the kitchen I see Ems standing on a stool and Harry stood making pancakes. Emily notices me first and smiles.

"Mummy" she says smiling. Harrys head whips round with a huge grin on his face.

"Hi sunflower" he come over and hugs me and I hug him back.

"What's all this?" I smile at Harry and Ems.

"Breakfast, daddy made it" I look at Harry wide eyes after she says that. I look at her and she is smiling not realising what she said.

"Princess, why did you just call me daddy?" He says and I look at her biting my lip.

"Well, you're more my daddy than anyone" I look at Harry and he's stood still until I see him dash across the kitchen and picks her up hugging her. I smile as I watch my favourite people be the happiest ever. They're the cutest humans ever. Harry opens his arm out for me to join them and I walk over cuddling into them both.

"I love you both" I say and Harry kisses my head. I smile and Harry whispers in my ear.

"Our little family" I smile and stand there thinking about everything.

Hey guys! I'm really sorry this update is short I'm just really not having a good creative flow with this one - m x

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