Part 6

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Harry is coming today! Harry is home, back in England! He's on his way to my house now and I had a quick wiz round to clean up anything that shouldn't be out of place. Other than Emily's room because she's a kid her room is supposed to be a bit messy so I left her to play whilst I clean up in the kitchen.

"Mummy" I heard Emily say as she turns the corner to enter the kitchen. "Yes baby" I smile at her with my hand on my hip. "Can we put some one direction on for when Harry gets here? I want to show him my dancing from the music video" she grins proudly that she learnt the dance. It was 3 nights ago when she spent the whole afternoon trying to learn the dance from best song ever and it was so cute watching her try copy the boys.

"Okay I'll put it on the speakers now yeah?" She nodded and skipped away over to the hallway to start dancing and I giggled at her. She was so pure and full of love it was amazing to be able to say that's my little girl, it was nice to know that she has people around her in her life to keep her happy. Her dad didn't give her happiness she didn't like staying at his house which i've known for a while but I can't do anything about it sadly.

A knock on the front door pulled me out of my thoughts and I head over to the door, checking everything was in place before pulling the door open to be met with the green eyes that I had missed, they seemed a lot brighter than usual and a lot more full. He stepped forward and came to give me a hug and I accepted It and he lifted me up and spun me round and I giggled.

"Hi mads" he smirked at me and I gave him a questioning look he smiled at me and started playing with a strand of my new hair colour. "You look gorgeous with your hair like this" I looked away from his eyes to hide my blush but he knew I already was and started making jokes about it. I invited Harry in and out his bag in my room whilst Emily was showing Harry her dance and when I walked back into the room I saw Harry and Emily slow dancing to little things, Harry had lifted her up with her legs wrapped round his torso and had her hand in his they were swaying and I thought it was the cutest thing in the world so I took a picture and left my phone on the table. I headed back over to them when Harry looked at me and his face dropped for a second. "Wait right there don't move" I gave him a confused look but he smirked, he reached into his pocket to grab his phone and pointed it at me, I giggled and posed for him and he laughed.

"Your cute as my little blonde girl" he smiled and I raised my eyebrows at the word 'my' and I just smiled "ems what do you think of mummy's new hair?" He asked her turning his head to look at her

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"Your cute as my little blonde girl" he smiled and I raised my eyebrows at the word 'my' and I just smiled "ems what do you think of mummy's new hair?" He asked her turning his head to look at her.

"I love it! I think she looks like a pretty princess" she smiles at Harry and it makes my heart melt to see the way she looks at him, it's so precious.

"Me too, she does look like a princess" he says with his eyes catching mine and I can see the pink rising in his cheeks as he clears his throat and puts Emily down. "Do you mind if I use your bathroom quickly please?" I nod and point to the door that leads to the bathroom. He walks off and goes inside.

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