Part 9

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Surprise!!! Double update, thank you to everyone who is supporting this, I love y'all sm ❤️

Mads Pov:

"Harry what can I get your mum? I feel bad if I turn up with just nothing?" I say towards my phone looking towards the FaceTime call whilst I make dinner. I must look like a mad woman running around my kitchen trying to grab all the ingredients and spices.

"Nothing love, just you being there and she will be happy" he chuckles but it still doesn't make me feel better in anyway I want to give her a good first impression of me. Especially since it's Harry's mum.

I walk over to my phone and stare at Harry through the screen. His hair is Styled to perfection and he's blue sweatshirt really compliments his eyes. Considering he's in the studio trying to work he's spending a lot of time talking to me. I stare at him best I can. "Harry please" he chuckles again and I sigh.

"Love I promise my mum just wants you and Emily there in one piece, she doesn't care if you don't get her anything but if you really want to buy her something buy her some sunflowers, they are her favourite" he says with a smile on his face and when I hear him say sunflowers are his mums favourite a big smile can up on my face.

"Oh wow, your mother and I have the same favourites" he looks confused for a moment then realises, a big grin came across his face.

"Sunflowers are your favourite too?" I nod and he smiles. "Have they always been your favourite?" he then asks.

"Yeah my dad used to plant them with me, he loved them too. Every time one would die he'd go straight to the shops to go buy more seeds, we'd spend hours out in the garden planting new ones and talking about them" I think Harry noticed towards the end when my voice started to slow and go quiet. I could feel the tears burning the inner corners of my eyes. He raised his eyebrows and I shook my head. "My dad He errr, he used to call me sunflower because I loved them so much". Harry nodded and he looked sad.

"I wish I could've met him" Harry says out of no where and i feel my heart start to beat faster. I look at Harry on the screen and he smiles at me.


"Because id love to tell him how amazing he was at raising such a beautiful sunflower" the tears started to fall from my eyes. Harry picked up straight away and I saw him get up off the couch he was sat on at the studio. "I'm sorry babe, I won't call you that unless your okay with it, I'm so sorry". I smiled at him.

"No harry it's just no one calls me sunflower anymore and you calling me it just feels right" he smiled and I chuckled at my ridiculous tears. "Do you want to come over?" I say and Harry nods.

"I'll be there in 10 sunflower" I smile at him and we say our goodbyes. After ending the call I decided to sort myself out before Harry gets here. I head over to the bathroom, clearing off the mascara streaks on my cheeks. I know Harry knows I was crying but I don't want him feeling bad for me. Even though my cheeks are still red I look a little bit better than I did. Emily was at her dads tonight meaning it would just be Harry and I. We've never hung out without Emily before, all of Harry's attention will be on me....

A few minutes later there is a knock at the door and I head over taking a deep breath before opening it to the charming 22 year old boy. He instantly brought me into his arms and whispered into my ear. 'Hey sunflower I missed you' I think my legs had turned into jelly after that. My heart was racing and I loved it when he called me sunflower.

"I missed you too H" I breathed in his amazing smell hoping me wouldn't notice. But sadly he did as I felt his chest move up and down after I smelt him.

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