Part 18

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Welcome back my loves. I'm back to continue the story and I can't wait to share with you. If you guys have any suggestions or ideas you wanna be possibly put in the story...message me or leave a comment. Love you all so much, feels good to be back - M x

Mads pov:

Have you ever had the feeling of waking up next to the love of your life? I didn't have that until I met Harry. I roll over and play with his gorgeous curls as he sleeps, snoring quietly. I start to kiss his cheek the up his next softly to wake him up.

"Sunflower" he groans and wraps his arms round me, I giggle and lay my head on his chest, slowly tracing the tattoos on his arm. No one compares to him, no one makes me feel the way he does. I wonder how long it will take him to make me Mrs Styles? He grabs my waist and sits me on his lap. "Hello baby" he says with his hot morning voice. I smile and rub my eyes adjusting to the light coming through the curtains. I look down at him and he leans up to kiss me but I stop him pushing him away but his chest.

"Morning breath" I cover my mouth and Harry rolls his eyes and groans, trying to kiss me again but I push him away. Suddenly my back hits the sheets and my arms are pinned above my head. I smirk at him and he shakes his head. "I just want a kiss" it's now my turn to shake my head but he leans in closer and kisses my lips softly. My problem is when he kisses me I can't refuse, I get completely sucked into him and everything he is. Suddenly I don't care about morning breath anymore and wrap my arms round his neck and he smiles into the kiss, pulling away slightly and pecking my lips one more time. "Fancy a shower with me today sunflower?" He says smirking and I shake my head. He rolls his eyes and gets up, walking towards the bathroom. " I love you" I shout smiling as he stops completely and turns to me. He has an unreadable expression on his face and I bite my bottom lip nervously. "Say it again" he whispers not moving or making a sound after he says that, I smile slightly and say it again and instantly he's in my arms attacking my face with kisses.

"I love you so so so fucking much" he says between kisses, he finally kisses me on the lips making us have a long passionate kiss, all our emotions, all our love, all our feelings put into one kiss and I have to say it's the best kiss I've ever had.

Picking her up I smile at Bella. It really feels like forever since I've seen my best friend but here she is coming to my apartment and meeting Harry for the first time. Bella can't drive so I offered to go pick her up, leaving Harry at home panicking whilst watching Emily. I love that I can trust Harry with Emily. I'm free to just go out and I don't have to worry about them. Whereas with Emily's dad I had to always worry that she was still okay and not hurt at all, after what he did to me, you can never be so sure he wouldn't do it to his own child. The monster he is it wouldn't surprise me.

Bella jumps excitedly and leans over hugging me straight away. "Hey girl, how are you" she says smiling away showing her bright white teeth. I smile at her and begin driving back to the apartment. "I'm good, I'm so so good" she smirks at me. "Is that something to do with a man called Harry Styles?" I roll my eyes and smile at the thought of my green eyed boy. She smirks and puts her sunglasses on. "How was meeting the Styles family?" She looks at me through her big shades and I smile at her flicking my eyes back to the road very quickly. "Bels they're all amazing, there was a bit of tension at the start between me and Gemma, she thought I was just using Harry for fame or money but we got along, they're amazing. And Anne and Robin are the sweetest people I've ever met" Bella looks at me smiling. "Girl you're whipped for the whole family" I giggle and nod.

I open the door to the sound of my amazing boyfriends voice, a guitar and the sound of Emily's giggles. Me and Bella take our shoes off before walking in to see the love of my life with my baby girl teaching her how to play guitar. I clear my throat and Harry's head flips round. "Hey sunflower you're back" he says with a big smile, he realises Bella is next to me and gets up quickly, walking round the couch and introduces himself in the professional way he does and sticks his hand out, I smirk as I watch Bella shake her head and pull him in for a hug. "Don't be stupid here Styles, I like you a lot you're keeping my 2 best friends very happy". Emily hears Bellas voice and instantly jumps up and screams "auntie bells" she runs over and jumps into Bellas arms and I smile as I watch Harry cover his ears at all the screams and I giggle.

Bella and Emily play for a while, Emily tells Bella all about her trip to Cheshire and to see nana Anne and grandad robin and auntie Gem. Every time Ems mentions one of them, Bella looks at me smiling then looks at Harry smiling as well. Sat on the couch Harry leans back and puts my legs across his as I lay down closing my eyes hearing Emily talk about all the fun she got up to at nana Annes and the sunflower. "Daddy?" She calls and I open my eyes and Bellas eyes are really wide not expecting it. Harry nods and Emily walks to him. "Has grandad Robin sent you a photo of our sunflower yet?" Harry grabs his phone and texts Robin for a picture. He pulls Ems up on to his lap and smiles. "Grandad Robin is going to take a picture of it now for you okay?" She nods and lays on him as she plays with his rings on his fingers. After a couple minutes Harry's phone dings and Emily claps her hands excitedly, he opens his phone and shows Emily the picture of the tiny bit of green poking out the soil, she takes Harry's phone to Bella and she smiles. "Look auntie bells we planted a sunflower, because daddy calls mummy sunflower all the time, daddy thought it would be cute if we all planted a sunflower together in grandad robins garden" Bella nods her head smiling at Ems and I look at Harry seeing his cheeks go extremely red.

"I-I um" I giggle as he puts his head in his hands. I grab his hand off his face and kiss his nose lightly. "It's cute, thank you baby" he smiles and I kiss his nose again before pulling away and laying back on the couch playing with the cross necklace that's still round my neck. I haven't taken it off other than to shower. It's my favourite piece of jewellery, other than my sunflower ring. I look down to it and smile then Bella takes my hand and looks at it carefully before looking at Harry. She tears up and pulls him into a hug. I giggle as he carefully hugs her back, evidently confused on why she's crying. I smile at them both before she pulls away and then hugs me. "Why are you crying?" I say while giggling, she shrugs and pulls away wiping her eyes. "I've just never seen you so happy" she smiles and picks Emily up hugging her. Me and Harry look at each other and just smile.

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