Vicky X Luka

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A/N- justa make sure Luka doesn't end up lonely- his un-obliviousness deserves to be rewarded 🥰

Luka POV:

Her sweet voice echoed through my mind, her smile made my heart flutter and her kindness gave me the same blushy feeling that i got when i was with Marinette.


I knew nothing about her but she seemed to have a big effect on my heart, i don't even know if i will see her again. Tomorrow is my last day in the hospital, a week has nearly passed and she hasn't visited- wait her brother! That's who she was supposed to meet that day instead of me- his name was Jack i think. Maybe if i go find him i will be able to find Vicky!

I slowly got out of bed, picking up my crutches and carefully started walking towards the door. I looked around the halls, there were nurses and doctors rushing around, kids sceaming and patients walking around - heading towards the hospital canteen. It was like a hospital rush-hour. I tried to wave down a nurse as if they were taxi's in New York.

"Excuse Me!" I called out.

"Hiya, what do you need?" a nurse stopped and asked.

"i was wondering if there is a boy called Jack on this floor? He has a sister umm she visited a couple days ago?"

"Let me check..." she looked at her clipboard. "Ahh yes, Jack Laurent, he is in room 210- why do you want to know?" she questioned me.

Oooh Vicky- maybe Victoria- Laurent even her name is pretty .... i snapped back to reality and replied back to the nurse.

"oh well his sister accidentally came into my room the other day and i just wanted to get her number.." I admitted nervously, but the nurse just smiled, said good luck and walked away.

I headed down the hall until i spotted Jack's room.

ROOM 210


i knocked on the door until i heard a husky voice saying to come in. I opened the door and saw a brown haired boy lying in the hospital bed, looking at his phone- when he looked up at me could tell immediately that he was Vicky's brother, he had the same sweet - mysterious stare and the same hazel/green/blue eyes.

"H-hi are you Vicky's brother?" i asked.

"Yeah... why?" he looked at me weirdly.

"Well umm she accidentally came  into my room the other day when she was looking for you and i-i was just wondering if i could get her number because she left before i could ask her..." I looked at him and half-smiled awaiting his answer.

"Look dude, because im nice i will give you her number but if you hurt her i will shove your guitar up your ass. Understand?!" he threatened in an brotherly overprotective manner, i just grinned not wanting to show my slight fear.

"Wait how did you know that i played guitar?" i replied.

"I don't know, your blue tips just look mellowey and like your in a band or something." Jack stated shrugging. "you want her number or not?"

"Yeah" i got out my phone and went onto contacts adding Vicky's number. "Thanks dude- if you need anything im only 3 doors down" I smiled, then walked out the room on my crutches - closing the door behind me. I let out a happy sigh.

I flopped down on my bed and quickly got out my phone. A/N- the next part underneath is them texting>>>


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