Some things stay the same, but love changes

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A/N - ughhhhhhhhh this is gonna take me forever to write because my laptop is acting up so now I have to write in fricking tablet mode😒😑 I might give up halfway but I hope you like it xxx

"Ughhhhhhhhh Vicky" her name left a bitter taste in Marinette's mouth. She should be happy for Luka (she did break his heart after all) but the thought of him finding someone new so quickly made Mari feel sick to her stomach. "I really hope Chat drops by tonight, maybe he can take my mind off her."

"Stop obsessing over it, your going to be late for school. " Tikki reminded her.

"okay okay 😒'' Mari grumbled, while putting her homework in her bag. She headed downstairs and out the door after saying goodbye to her parents and shoving a croissant in her mouth. She was going up the stairs to the school when she bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry- Marrinette?" Adrien apologised.

"Ehe i-ts okayyy i bumped into you - S-sorry" She stuttered, embarrassed- wait why was she stuttering remember JUST A FRIEND I got over him CALM DOWN...

"hey wanna walk to class together?" Adrien asked her, his emerald eyes glinting in the sunlight.

" y-yeah" she was internally screaming, calm down Mari- remember just a friend.

"well after you m'lady-" Shit did he just call Marinette his lady- hopefully she doesn't think anything of it.

"Did you just-"

fuck fuck fuck- play it cool...     " did I just what?-"

"You know what forget it umm let's go" they walked up the stairs side by side and into the courtyard, they saw Alya and Nino with another guy that they didn't recognise.

"Oh hey Mari! Hey Adrien." Alya hugged Mari

"Heyyyyy ma dudes" Nino fistbumped Adrien.

A/N- yyaaaaayyyy i fixed my computer- lost my work - died - listened to my little calm clip - then i got my work back again!!!!!!! phewwwwwwwwwww anyways back to the story.

But neither Adrien or Mari were paying attention to their friends greetings, they were both staring at the boy infront of them.

"Oh yeah, guys this is Brandon- Brandon this is Marinette and Adrien." Alya introduced the two to the new boy.

Marinette stared at the boy in Awe, he wore a simple white shirt that showed the delicate outline of his six pack, and a black denim jacket that fit like a glove over his muscles. He had fluffy blonde-brown hair and electric bluey green crystal eyes, they were soft and kind but underneath there was a sense of mystery and fear- which intrigued her. She didn't know that she was staring at him until Alya snapped her back to reality.

"HI Brandon, I'm Marinette but you can call me Mari or just Marinette, Marinette is just fine-" Thankgod Alya slapped her, stopping her from babbling. "ehehehe sorry, i umm i tend to waffle"

Brandon Chuckled. "It's fine Marinette - i get it first impressions are stressful, i'm happy that i got introduced to you guys- that Chloe girl was a bit umm pushy." His voice brought warmth to her heart and a blush formed on her cheeks.

"yeah i would stay clear of Chloe if i were you, she is very ummm- Adrien?" Marinette asked for help with her words.

"Let's just say she doesn't really get through to people that well, she may seem arrogant and annoying but you will get used to it." Adrien admitted truthfully.

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