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A/N - Okayyy I'm done with my mini mental breakdown ehe, hope you like this chapter xxx also i love this art byyyyy i dont actually know i think Eric eters on pinterest or something it doesn't properly say... but whatever credits to them cuz it looks Amazingggg. >.<

Adrien POV:

My head was pounding and i couldn't open my eyes, it felt like i was trapped in my own mind. All of my senses were muddled up and i felt like i was floating in the air and drowning in water at the same time. All i could hear was a sweet voice whispering the same thing over and over again.

"Don't leave me"

I wanted to shout, i wanted to move, i wanted to breathe.

But i didn't have control over my body. Suddenly there were muffled noises and i felt a shock - i lifted my head out of the water and saw a blue blob as soon as i saw it, my head was pushed back into the icy liquid and i felt numb.

I didn't know what was real and what was imaginary. Everytime my head was pulled out of the water my senses came back and i took a deep breath, seeing the blue blob getting closer each time my face left the cold.

"Come back to me Adrien"

Then everything went dark.  Again.

I didn't know how long it had been, it felt as if time had paused, i was just there. Somewhere - there was nothing, just black and green. A few seconds later (i think) A shape started to form from the dark, a sillhouette of someone was coming towards me.

I felt a tight, but comforting, grip on my hand. My eyes opened Oceans crashed with Emeralds and i saw Marinette smiling, tear stains on her cheeks. All of my senses rushed back and so did the pain in my head. There was one last flash showing Ladybug then back to Marinette then it was all over.

"It's okay princess i'm here..." I squeezed her hand and she smiled happy tears streaming down her face. I hope she didn't notice that i accidentally called her princess....

The school nurse came into the room and told Marinette that she had to go back to class, i wanted her to stay, so that we could talk over things but she would probably get introuble for missing class. She nodded at the nurse then smiled at me while she squeezed my hand before letting go. I felt the warmth in my body leave as her soft touch was cut off.

Before she went out the door she quickly placed a folded peice of pink paper into my hand, then walked out of the door, closing it behind her. I let out a painful sigh as i watched my chest rise and fall-  i was exhausted from todays events, which i still didn't know if they were real or imaginary. I didn't feel like going to sleep because i was scared that whatever happened before could happen again if i closed my eyes. I saw the pink in the corner of my eye and picked up the paper, unfolded it and saw that it was a note. I started to read it slowly careful not to give myself another headache.

To Adrien,

As you probably know you passed out while you were talking to me,, i dont know how they got to you but you were lying on the floor and you were like whispering stuff and it was really scary, if you want we can meet up by the Seine later and we can carry on our convo - unless you are too exhausted or you don't want to i really don't mind.

Also since you missed a couple of classes Me, Nino and Alya took notes for you and we were going to drop it off at your house later but since you're still at the school we will just give it to you.

I paused and looked to my left and saw my bag full of class notes from my friends, a sharp, stinky smell entered my nose. Suddenly i remembered.

"PLAGG!" I called to my kwami. Plagg floated out of my bag, holding a peice of camembert.

"Hey Kid- you alright?" he asked me.

"Yeah i'm ok" I smiled at the cheese eating cat infront of me and grabbed him in my hands and gave him a hug which surprised him, he did hug back for a second but then...


A/N- Last night i was cryinggg my eyes out because i read TFIOS, im scared to finish it now....

I let my kwami go, and he flew back into my bag as the nurse came back. I carried on reading the note.

I hope that you get well soon, i also gave you a cupcake - it's mint chocolate chip ;) , its in a little box in your bag. Umm tbh i think that you passed out because of too much stress, I don't know how you handle being a model and still having to do hours extra activities with no breaks, It unacceptable! Your father is so strict i can't deal with it - i care about you Adrien and it hurts me when you're hurting.

this might be the biggest mistake of my life but... i asked Natalie if i could chat to your father - about you. I don't care if it ruins my career, i want you to not pass out on the floor and i want you to have a stress-less life.

xxx Marinette xxx

SHIT - NO NO NO WHAT IS SHE DOING!!! My father will ban her from being my friend, h-he will make everything worse! i have to stop her! I quickly unlocked my phone and went on to contacts, scrolling to Marinette's name

(which i recently saw a photo that her name in his contacts Is Princess 😏)

Ringgg Ringggggg

"Come onn Pick uppp"

Hello this is Marinette's phone, please leave a message after the beep hehe BEEEEP


"Mr Agreste please put your head back down, you need to rest and no swearing in my office." the Nurse forced me to lie back down.

"Marinette please be careful." i whispered before falling asleep.

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