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The purple butterfly landed on the flattened rose that the girl held in her hand and a butterfly outlined her eyes.

"Jealousy, i am Hawkmoth, the one who you thought loved you has betayed you with another girl. I am giving you the power to make this boy only think about you and then he will never be inlove with any other girl ever again. In return you will bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir's mircaulous. Am I clear?" Hawkmoth whispered into the girls mind.

Jealousy - " Yes Hawkmoth" purple and black bubbles surrounded her body as she transfromed into a supervillian, she wore a black leather spy-type suit which was covered in a red and purple rose pattern, it had matching dark green gloves and shoes (Jealousy= Green) she had a green mask covering her eyes, embroidered with little red and purple roses. "ADRIEN AGRESTE HOW DARE YOU GO ON A DATE WITH THAT GIRL WHEN YOUR SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME!" (Nu-uh Hunny not with that attitude)

"What?" Adrien looked up and saw The supervillian staring back at them with her angered brown eyes.

"MARINETTE RUN!!" he grabbed her hand and they ran towards the gate, while dodging energy beams. They hid behind a bunch of bushes and stayed low so that she couldn't find them. "Why does this always happen to me" Adrien mumbled.

"Adrien, it's okay. I loved your surprise so much, nothing could have ruined it - not even this." Marinette kissed his cheek and left HIM speechless.

"uh -i umm Thank y-you" Adrien said, flustered.

"I think that we should split up, it will make it harder for her to catch both of us." Marinette explained. Adrien agreed. they both stuck their heads out to check if the coast was clear, when they saw that no one was there they both ran out of the park and went seperate ways into an alley.

Tikki -" Oooh Mariiiii" Marinette blushed then shook it off.

"Later - TIKKI SPOTS ONNN!" she transformed into her alter-ego and swung herself up to the roof whilst trying to contact Chat.



"shut up- theres no time for this, PLAGG CLAWS OUT" he transformed into Chat Noir - there was still a light blush sprinkled on his cheeks. He jumped up onto the roof and searched for LB, he spotted her a couple blocks away.

----Le time skip----

"So what's the plan Bugaboo?" Chat asked.

"Well obviously we need to find out where her akuma is, i have an idea about what it is but not where." LB explained - she ignored Chat's nicknames as she has gotten so used to it over the past couple of years.

Chat -"And what would that be M'lady?"

Ladybug "A rose - her costume is covered with them."

Chat had a sudden flashback

"Here you go Kagami"

he gave her a rose

"Thank you Adrien"

her brown eyes stared back at him

Chat - "I- i know who the villian is"

"Who? and are you okay kitty, you look sad." Ladybug asked, concerned.

"Y-yeah im fine, the villian is Kagami Tsurugi, you know her right?" Chat uttered.

"Oh yeah i remember her, she's been akumatized a few times b-because of A-adrien" it fell silent between the two. "Okay let's defeat this akuma before she does anymore damage." They jumped off the roof and headed for the Eiffel Tower to get a better veiw of the villian.


"Don't be bemused, its just the news. i am Nadia Chamack reporting live below the Eiffel tower where theres a new Akumatized villian called Jealousy - it seems like she wants revenge on teen model Adrien Agreste stay tuned to find out more."

The two superheros stood on the Eiffel Tower, out of sight from Jealousy. "I think that we need some help, LUCKY CHARM!" The swarm of magical Ladybugs appeared and dropped a little turtle figurine. "Chat, hold off Jealousy i will be back in a couple of minutes."

"Okay M'lady, OVER HEREEEE JEAAALOUUSYYY!" Chat shouted, getting her attention.

"Well well well, if it isn't Kitty Noir " Jealousy spoke softly but there was a hint of hatred in her voice.

"The one and only, sooo what's gotten you all hot headed?" Chat asked while dancing on a streetlamp.


"MASTER FU, I NEED SOME HELP, Chat is distracting the villian and we need help" Marinette explained. She didn't wait for him to say anything and she grabbed the miracle box, put in the codes and took the Miraculous that she needed. "Sorry master, thank you byeee."

Master Fu chuckled in approval. "She's a good one Wayzz, i'm happy that i chose her"

-------le time skip-------

"POLLEN BUZZ ON!" Chloe said.

"This girl better not act like a bitch or i will actually throw her off the Eiffel tower" Laybug spoke under her breath.

"What was that Ladybug?" Queen Bee asked.

"Nooothhinggg, now come on let's go before Chat does something stupid." both girls swung to the Eiffel tower and landed next to Chat.

LB -"Hello kitty, i hope that i didn't take too long."

Chat- "Nope your just in time - do you have a plan m'lady?"

"I'm here too y'know" QB muttered.

"LUCKY CHARM!!" The swarm of ladbugs flew up and gave her a feather, and she used her magical vision to see what she needed. " Chat and i will distract her while Queen bee sneaks up behind and uses her Venom to paralyse her, them i will get her akuma - Clear?" they all nodded and attaked Jealousy. Ladybug used the feather to tickle her while Chat held her still.

"STOPP ITTT AHHHAA," she giggled "NO NO NOOOO I- CAN'T-BREATHE, ARGHHHH" Queen bee used her venom on Jealousy and she became paralysed.

Ladybug searched for the rose, and she found it slipped in the villians glove. "Chat?"

"CATACLYSM" he touched the rose and it turned into black dust and the akuma flew out.


Everything was fixed and Kagami sat on the floor with no memory of what happened.

"Pound it!" the 3 heros touched knuckles

"Chloe can you go home? i will pick up your miraculous later okay." Ladybug said to Chloe.

"Sure thing LB" She swung home, leaving the 2 superheros with Kagami.

A/N- damnnnn that chapter felt soooo fucking long lmao, anyways hope u liked it :) 


Vote? ;)


Byeee xxx

                                                    - EDITED-


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