Chapter 10- The trick x to x the trick?

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Michael's POV

Leorio has volunteered for the fourth round. If he wins, the group's victory is assured. But will he be able to do it?

"Okay! It's time to end this! Drag him off, and send in your next contender!" Leorio ordered, pointing to the blue Smurf.

"That's not possible." "Wait, what?!" Leorio questioned the next prisoner.

"I said I'm afraid we can't move him." No. You said 'that's not possible'. "His match isn't over yet." The same prisoner spoke up.

"I don't get it. How is the match not over? What are you talking about?" Leorio questioned. The same prisoner walked up to smurf guy and check his pulse, I think.

"He's still alive. Just unconscious." They said, though they sound like a girl.

"Oh, don't you remember? This was a fight to the death. One of them had to either die or admit defeat. He's still alive, and hasn't surrendered." She then giggles while walking away.

"Wait. But he said 'You win' when Kurapika punched him." I said out loud, lifting my head up from Kurapika's shoulder, but my statement fell on deaf's door.

"Tch. Talk about splitting hairs." "Maybe, but you've gotta admit she's right." Killua said after Leorio, Gon nodded in agreement with him.

"That's how it is?" Leorio asked as he turned to both Kurapika and I, "All right, Kurapika. Get over there, and put that loser out of his misery." Does that mean killing him? Is it that normal to take someone's life?

"I refuse." Kurapika said calmly. "Wh-Huh? What do you mean, refuse?!"

"The fight was already over. It was clear to me that by the time that I punched him, he had already lost the will to fight. I will not continue fighting a loser." Kurapika said.

"Good, baba." I patted his head.

"Seriously?! What are we supposed to do?! 'Cause those guys are claiming the match hasn't even ended yet!" Leorio shouted, making me hide to the left of Kurapika.

"I will leave that to him." "Huh?!"

"He can decide his own fate just as soon as he revives." Kurapika said while holding my hand that was on his shoulder.

"Come on. We don't have that much time, and it's running out fast. We can't afford to just sit around here and wait."

"My mind's made up, Leorio." "Ah, gimme a break!"

"Hey, I can kill him if you don't want to." Killua offers, making me peak out. "Killua/Nee?" Gon, Nee and I questioned.

"Never killed anyone before, have you?" He asked while Kurapika stayed quiet. "Are you scared?"

Well, I am. I never understood the reason taking someone's life was something I could do. It just makes me feel dirty.. AND NOT THAT KIND OF DIRTY!

"Wether or not murder is frightening has never entered my mind. Regardless, this is a one-on-one battle. You can't interfere." Kurapika answered Killua.

"Fine. I won't argue. Except if you were a team player, you wouldn't be acting so selfish." Killua pointed to the blonde male.

"Hey! You said something useful for once. Do that more often." Leorio told Killua then looked at us. "Don't you know you're screwin' up our chances?"

"That's true, but it doesn't change my position." The blonde male next to said.

"Aww, come on! Michael. Please, convince him that he's just wasting our time." Leorio pleaded.

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