Chapter 19- What x dangerous x watchdog?

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(Please point out my spelling mistakes. I thank you!)

Michael's POV
It was now night time, and Gon and I were sitting in our seats on the airship we got tickets for, Kurapika and Leorio leaving us to go get food.

I was looking out the window, doing that leaning in and out thing, scared that if I lean to far that I would somehow break the window and fall out but also wanted to see, my fear of heights somewhat activating.

"I'm surprised that this is a blimp looking thing instead of a plane." I mumbled, though Gon was zoned out and Nee was sleeping in my cupped hands while Amaimon was on my left shoulder, also looking out.

"True, but we are in a different world or time frame." "Whoah there, bub. Small brain, remember?" I told him pointing to my head after gently moving Nee to the other hand.

"Right. I forgot you were simple minded." "Ay!" "What I mean is that we're in a whole other world or different time. Like what you humans call "time travel". It's either that or we're somehow dead and this is our hell." "O0h."

"I like how you aren't questioning when I said that we're probably in hell." "It is what it is. Plus, I know I'm going there because of all the dumb stuff I did. Wait! That means Nee is too! Nope! This is aLl a DReaM."

"Now she gets it." He mumbled as he began to stretch his body, probably growing sleepy. "If you want, you can sleep in my hoodie pocket. You don't have to stay up this time." I offered as I carefully pulled my hoodie out of my backpack. "I'm fine." He said as he then yawned.

"Right. Well, it'll be over here if you change your mind." I said as I placed it to the left of me, next to the window so that he could just fall and land on it safely.

"Change who's mind?" Someone asked, making me face them, "Hmm?" It was Leorio and Kurapika! And they have fries and drinks!

"Bubs here is getting sleepy but doesn't want to go to sleep." I told them, Amaimon yawning again, proving my point. "See?" "I am not sleepy. I'm just tired of all your talking." "Sure. Sure. Keep telling yourself that." I chuckled.

Leorio noticed Gon's zoned out state and put a fry in his open mouth, immediately snapping him out of his thoughts. "So what's with the long face, Gon?" He asked, tossing a fry into my mouth this time.

"By tomorrow, we'll be in Padokea. You'll see Killua soon." Kurapika said as he sat down next to me, Leorio sitting across from him, next to Gon. "Yup!" Gon agreed as he then ate the fry, chewing it with a smile.

"Ooh! Ooh! Gimme some!" I begged as I saw Kurapika drink his beverage, not caring what it was. "Oh, uh, sure. Here." He said, holding it out. I took a sip from the same straw, surprising him, him expecting me to take the lid off and drink it.

"Thank you!" I thanked as I opened my mouth for more fries, getting smacked in the face with one but caught it in the end. "No-Not a problem." He said, a small blush on his face as he then sipped his drink, Gon and Amaimon seeing the whole thing.

The rest of the ride was filled with laughter as Leorio kept throwing fries at me with me having to catch them, the whole thing turning into a game.


Third POV
Michael, Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika have arrived in the Dentora Region of the Republic of Padokea, which Killua calls home.


Michael's POV
"I can almost see it." Leorio said as we all looked out the window of the train like vehicle we were on, "Mm-Hmm!" I nodded with a smile on my face, sitting next to him, somewhat seeing the said tall mountain.

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