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Michael Okumura

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Michael Okumura

Age: 15, youngest out of the three by 4 minutes.

Gender: Female, though is sometimes mistaken for a male especially with her name.

Height: 152.4 cm (5ft)

Adoptive Father/Father: Shiro Fujimoto (deceased), Satan (???)
Mother: Yuri Egin (deceased)
Brothers: Rin Okumura (Alive), Yukio Okumura (Alive)

Likes: Pointless arguments, Rin's cooking, friends, brothers, reading, games of any kind, music, drawing, and photography. (I have a list but it'll be long so this is good)

Dislikes: People hurting her friends/brothers, people being negative, and other stuff.

Fears: She has an odd fear of water that started at the age of 3 but can now tolerate it. (Water amount can't be larger than that of an average bathtub.) A normal fear of heights.

Bio: Since she's the youngest and smallest of the three, she had to stick to one of her brothers like 24/7. This then developed a habit of subconsciously holding people's hands with those she's close to or knows. Michael is basically the combination of Yukio and Rin. (More once I can think of something)

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