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It was now after dinner, everyone had separated and started doing their own stuff, Sage noticed that Brian and Mia had begun conversation, so not wanting to interrupt them she went into the room where Dom was, sitting with a picture of himself and Letty during a barbecue

"I'm sure she was an amazing woman" Leaning against the door frame Sage spoke softly making Dom snap out of his thoughts and look at the woman

"The best" Dom corrected with a weak smile on his face as he continued to scavenge through the box, pulling out a evidence bag, a phone being taken out, Sage assumed that it had to be Letty's

Dom pressed a few times on the phone before it started dialing, Sage slightly straightened her posture, actually being nervous

You could hear ringing from the kitchen making Sage's eyes flicker towards Brian who was pulling out his ringing phone, her eyes immediately widened as Dom got up from his sitting position, dropping the phone and walking straight past Sage who was trying to stop him "Dom, don't do this, Dom!"

"Oh, shit. Hey, Dom--" Brian's nervousness could be heard in his voice

"When were you gonna tell me?" Dom's voice grew darker after each word he spoke

"Dom what are you doing?" Mia spoke as she got up from her sitting position, Sage's eyes full of panic

"When were you gonna tell me you were runnin' Letty?" Voice cracking as Dom walked towards Brian, Sage had just gave up trying to stop him at this point "Let me explain-"

Dom grabbed Brian's neck as he threw him basically across the room, Brian hitting the shelf behind him with a loud grunt, the shelf falling over and glass shattering everywhere. Not being enough, Dom pinned Brian onto the wall cutting off his breathing by holding the man by the neck

"You don't understand!" Brian managed to say still struggling as Sage and Mia pleaded Dom too stop, Brian fought back, somehow being able to escape Dom's grasp, him being sent across the room once again right by Sage's feet, the woman going to help him but being forced to back away when Dom launched himself onto Brian once again

The oldest Torreto threw multiple punches before being stopped by Brian who wrapped his legs around Dom's neck, not long after the man was lifted then thrown onto the ground

"She did it for you, Dom! She did it for you" Brian quickly said making Dom pause from throwing his next punch "Letty came to me to clear your name in exchange for bringing down Braga"

"She just wanted you to come home!" Brian shouted afterwards a long silence

"I'm sorry, Dom!" Brian yelled as Dom started to walk into the room, Sage following him into the bedroom

Sage knew that she had to tell Dom, even though he had just found out terribly news, she would rather tell him now than him finding out another way, she closed the door behind her as Dom was sitting on the bed, hands covering his face

"Dom..." Sage spoke softly but got no response from him "Dom I have to tell you something" This time she caught his attention, as much as she didn't want to tell him she knew she had too

"I- I was there the night that Letty died" The words fell out of Sage's, Dom being confused at first "I fucking led her through the tunnels, a-and I was there when the explosion happened, I was the one that pointed Fenix towards Letty, I- I'm working for Braga, Dom"

"What did you say?" Dom asked while standing up and taking a few steps towards the woman making her swallow harshly, actually being scared for her life

"I'm a part of Braga's team" Sage whispered her voice cracking mid sentence

"And you didn't think to tell me this earlier?!" Dom spoke as he stood in front of Sage, tears brimming her eyes "I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry? Is that what you have to say? I'm sorry? Here I thought that it was Braga all along, Fenix all along... BUT IT WAS YOU" Dom's fist connected too the wall inches away from Sage's face, the woman flinching, tears falling from her eyes "YOU. WERE. THERE."

"I- I didn't know that it was Letty-" Sage tried to explain but Dom interrupting her

"Leave," Dom said as he backed away from Sage "W- what?"

"I said, LEAVE!" Dom yelled once more, Sage finally listening and opening the bedroom door where Brian and Mia were trying to get into

Sage pushed past Brian and Mia as she ran outside, Brian still trying to chase after her but failing as she got into the vehicle, starting it then driving off

Tears streamed down the woman's face, her hitting the steering wheel continuously

Now there was only one place
she could go..

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