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Sage saw the two very familiar cars race up the hillside and then swiftly park in place, her and a few nurses came running towards them

"Señor O'Conner! Hurry! Come!" One of the nurses spoke frantically but Sage remained calm "Está bien lo tengo" The woman reassured the few nurses, then pacing to Dom and Brian

"It's okay, It's okay, you're just in time" Sage said squeezing the man's arm who looked out of breath "You're gonna be a great father, Brian"

"What makes you so sure?" The blonde questioned looking back at the couple, "Cause I'll be there to kick your ass if you ain't" The teasing words made smiles rise on all three's faces "Get in there", "Go"

Brian started following the nurses to where Mia was but stopped when his name was called once more "Brian, remember the second you go through those doors, everything changes"

"Our old life is done" Dom finished with a nod whilst he held Sage securely and the two watched Brian walk into the room where his girlfriend was

"I don't think I've ever endured so much pain in such short time" Sage muttered as she held up her bloodshot red hand and wrist that Mia had been squeezing since she had gone into labor

Dom laughed deeply, gently taking her hand in his, stroking the sensitive skin "I'll most probably be one of those woman that pass out during labor"

"What? No you won't" Dom replied with a playful frown "Watch, just wait you'll see that'll be exactly what happens" The statement made the older Torreto chuckle and shake his head "I can't wait"

Dom stroked Sage's hair as she peacefully rested her head on his chest, the damp beach breeze from outside hit their naked bodies whilst the Toretto scanned the beautiful view that consisted of the bright blue sky with minimal clouds and the shiny ocean waters of the Canary Islands

The couple couldn't be happier, they wouldn't be any other place than here they had finally had everything they both ever wanted, freedom, money, no worries but most importantly, eachother

Dom gently turned to face his girlfriend, the woman slowly opened her eyes with a faint smile along her lips, the man kissed her lips softly before removing himself from her tangled arms and allowing her to lay her head on the mass amount of fluffy white pillows

The Torreto got dressed in his usual attire and stepped outside where he had started to work on an engine, now continuing the project peacefully

"This is what a hundred million buys?" A very familiar voice spoke behind the man which made him slowly look at the man who stood tall with his hands behind his back "It wasn't that hard to find you, Torreto"

"I wasn't hiding" Dom replied as calmly as ever as Hobbs approached him "How's the life of a retired international criminal?"

"I like it here it's quiet, nice weather... and no extradition" The two final words made Hobbs give the Torreto a side eye, "So, what are you doing here, cop?"

"Last Tuesday, a team of highly coordinated drivers took down an entire military convoy in Russia" Hobbs spoke but the Torreto quickly chipped in "I don't do cold weather"

"I know it wasn't you" The statement made Dom look at the cop before him with a frown "But you're gonna help me catch the team responsible"

By now Sage had came to the realization that her boyfriend had uninvited company outside, so she got dressed and grabbed a gun that was hidden in their bedroom and stepped outside, her cocking it as a warning for the all to familiar cop who kept his composure when he heard the sound "And you ain't gonna need that"

Both men turned to look at the woman, Dom held a proud smirk whilst doing so, "You can't touch him Hobbs, you've got no power–" The woman started but was cut off

"I'm not here to extradite anyone, you see he's gonna come voluntarily," Hobbs spoke and Sage could only glare at the cop while gripping the gun tightly

"As a matter of fact, he's gonna beg me" By now either of the couple stared with Hobbs with questionable frowns

"This was taken a week ago" Hobbs told as he handed over a envelope to Dom "I'll see you out front" The man concluded as soon as the Toretto had a hold of the item, him then starting to exit the balcony

Dom suspiciously eyed the envelope, before turning and leaning against the table where the engine was propped up on, when he carefully opened the item and pulled out the paper that revealed a photograph of Letty, his heart sank

The woman watched her boyfriend frozen in place, that made her cautiously step towards him, when her eyes met the photograph she immediately knew that it had to be Letty "It's Letty, isn't it?"

"It's impossible" Dom muttered with his eyes still fixed on the paper but when Sage stepped closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder, his gaze shifted towards her "If that was someone as important to me as Letty is to you, if there was a chance, no matter how small, I would go"

The woman locked eyes with Dom, and the two held eye contact for a good minute it was clear that Dom was contemplating on something, after another minute he looked back down to the photograph

"Then I want you to go with me" Dom muttered and Sage was clearly taken aback, not expecting to hear what she just heard "Dom..." She backed away from the Toretto with a questioning face "I don't know if that's– are you sure you–"

"I'm sure, if I'm going to do this, I want you there with me" Dom cut the woman's rant short and she swallowed harshly "I... I can't even allow me to forgive myself for what I did... if I can't even do that how will I bring myself to allow Letty, or even you to forgive me"

"Sage, you never did anything to need forgiveness and if you think you did, I have forgiven you a long time ago, if I know Letty how I do she will be the first one to understand" Dom spoke and the woman dug her short nails into the side of her arm as a sign of nervousness, and Dom had noticed that 

He took his girlfriend's arms and wrapped them around his torso, him doing the same and resting his chin on hers after planting a kiss on her head "Are you sure–"

"Yes. I'm sure, I need you with me" The Toretto didn't let the woman finish her sentence, instead gently grabbing Sage's face with his hands, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs "Okay, I'll go then"

"I'll meet you two out front, just let me put on some shoes" Sage nodded reassuringly which made the Toretto also nod and start to head to the front where Hobbs was waiting patiently

"I've been chasing this guy across four continents and twelve countries, and believe me, the last damn place I wanna be right is on your front doorstep selling girl scout cookies" Sage heard the agent explain as she joined them out front

"I need your help Dom, I need your team"

thank you for 30K reads!!
all my pre-written chapters
are now finished and i haven't
been writing new ones anymore
so updates are going to be
rather slow, im going to try and
write as soon as i can, but at this
moment i don't have as much
inspiration/motivation to write.
but again thank you guys for all the reads/votes <3

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