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After the event of the breakout Sage had disappeared once again but this time she disappeared with Dom. The two had stayed together for a long period of time, traveling throughout the country and staying on the low, but eventually the two had split and never heard from each other again, each one for themselves went their separate ways and went even further under the radar

Sage and Brian were the ones that kept full contact, met a couple of times as well until they got a hold on Vince, who was apparently in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, they had planned to all meet up there to try and somewhat stabilize their life

The two cars came to a stop as they parked behind each other, as soon as Sage and Mia caught sight of each other they clashed into a hug

"I missed you" Mia whispered to the woman she was hugging tightly "Missed you too, Mia"

"Let me tell you it's been a while since I've been in the Favelas" Sage spoke as she shielded her eyes from the sun, Brian chuckling at her words, the two also sharing a hug that was long time needed

"It's gotta be it, right?" The younger Torreto asked scanning her surroundings as the three started to walk up a flight of cement stairs

All eyes were on the trio as they continued to make their way up the stairs, the sudden noise of guns cocking made the three halt their step. This was one of the very few times that none of them carried a weapon

Men surrounded them from all directions which made Mia tightly squeeze Sage's hand "Let's get out of here" Brian said cautiously making them prepare to leave

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" A familiar voice made the three pause their return, instead turning around this time to be faced with a familiar face "Calma amigos, ela esta comigo"

"Mia!" Vince exclaimed with a smile as he decedent the stairs, a equally large grin on the woman's face when she hugged their old friend

"Vince" Sage huffed as the man looked at her with a smile, opening his arms which allowed Sage to engulf herself in his arms, hugging him tightly as well

When Vince's eyes landed on Brian his smile fell and was replaced with a frown instead "Buster... come on"

"Dom here yet?" Brian questioned, Vince shook his head in denial "Nah"

"When was the last time you heard from him?" Sage added curiously, the last time she had been in contact with Dom was was a couple of weeks ago so she wouldn't expect any different answer from Vince

"Uh, couple weeks ago up in Ecuador somewhere" The reply made Brian glance at Sage vaguely "How does it feel?"

"What's that?" Vince chuckled at the ex-agent "To be on the other side of a wanted poster"

"He'll show up" Sage said to Mia who had a worried expression plastered on her face "Yeah"

Vince and Rosa looked shockingly at the three who sat at the dinning table, eating as if they hadn't for days, which was actually true. They were starving and had been on the road for days with no pit stops

Sage helped Rosa with the dishes while Mia happily held the baby in her arms "Hora de dormir pequenino"

"Aww, posso leva-lo?" Mia cooed which made Rosa happily nod guiding the woman to the bedroom and leaving Sage with a faint happy smile on her face "Boa noite"

Sage dried her hands and made her way through the narrow hallway, going into the bathroom but stopping as she was about to enter when Mia ran to the toilet instead, crouching over it and starting to puke. Sage's eyes filled with panic as her instinct was to hold the woman's hair away from her face while gently rubbing her back

"You okay?" Sage asked still panicked, Mia only could nod rapidly while opening the sink water and splashing it on her face, Rosa appeared in the door with a much less panicked expression than Sage "Ele sabe?" The question made Mia shake her head no, while Sage furrowed her eyebrows in confusion

"What doesn't he know?" Mia turned to face her friend - basically sister, with a softening expression on her features, she placed her hands on her stomach and gently rubbed the surface, it took a second for Sage to realize but when she did her eyes widen and mouth gaped open

"I'm gonna be a aunt - or no wait a godmother?" Sage squealed with joy, her words still being pronounced in a whisper, Mia nodded with a smile on her face and happy tears in her eyes. The woman hugged Mia with happiness, placing her own hands gently on the woman's stomach

"But don't tell Brian anything... yet. Okay?" Mia pleaded, Sage immediately nodded, promising to keep her lips sealed shut before the two women walked back to the dining table, sitting and waiting for Rosa to also enter her bedroom

"So listen," Vince started, propping his elbows on the wooden table "There's a job comin' up. I was hoping Dom was gonna be here by now, but this one's clean enough we can do it without him. It's a good gig, couple of high-end cars, easy targets. Guy I know is puttin' together a team to swipe them. Just need a few more willing bodies"

"I don't know" Brian retorted immediately after Vince finished his offer "Look. The way the car scene is down here, we can unload 'em quick and get top dollar. It's easy money, and from where I'm sitting, it looks like all three of you could use the payday"

Brian, Sage and Mia glanced in between one another with still major suspicion, but after a few seconds Brian reluctantly nodded

"We'll do it" Sage gave in locking eyes with Vince, the four nodding in agreement

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