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Zehra sat in her tent, feeling hopeless. Her abi and his friends were trapped in their own oba. And she couldn't do ANYTHING. That is it, she thinks, I am going to bring some çorba over there and no one is stopping me. Osman Bey had been in the marquee with Balgay for quite a long time. Maghrib had passed and the sun had almost completely set.

Zehra lights up the stove in the middle of her and Konur's çadır. She places a pot in the above it, the pot filled with water and spices. As she waits for the water to boil, Zehra takes off her headpiece.

Her dirty blonde hair flows in a braid on her back. As Zehra had more hair and a little thicker hair that Konur, her hair was more brown than blonde. (Imagine it as Goktug's hair in Season 2) She takes out the braid, and smooths her fingers through her hair.

The su was boiled, so Zehra adds some meat she had hunted earlier, and some broth. She sits back and waits for the meat to tender. Zehra dips her comb in water, and is about the run it through her hair, when the door opens.

"Baçı," Konur says. Zehra looks up to see an exhausted, beaten up brother. "Konur Abi," Zehra runs up and hugs her brother, making sure to not pressure his wounds. Konur runs his fingers through her hair and takes the scent of boiling soup in. "Baçı, I am starving! Can I have some çorba?" Zehra laughs at Konur's hungry attitude. She leads him over to the sheep skin seat. "Let me clean your wounds first, Konur, and by then the meat will tenderize."

Zehra grabs a bowl, jug of water, and a towel. She pours the water over his hands, as Konur cleans them, and gets the dirt off his face.

A little while later, Konur's wounds had been tended to, and his hungry stomach was filled. "Kardeşim, I need to tell you something," Konur goes on and explains about the beating he had received from Kongar. When he gets to the part about the crescent birthmark, Zehra runs her hand over her nightgown, feeling the spot on her shoulder where her birthmark lay.

"I found our brother, Zehra! I found him! I found Goktug!" Tears start spilling out of his eyes. Zehra smiles as she wipes his tears. "We will get him back, Konur, I promise. We WILL get him back."

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