Family Again

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Kongar rears back on his horse. He faces sideways, turning his face towards Zehra. He purses his lips and puts back on his fierce face. "You aren't here to attack me. You aren't acting like an enemy. I don't like to harm people who act like friends. BUT! If you start talking all that nonsense $&#@ again, I will gladly slice your throat!"

And with that he rides off, leaving Zehra more confused than ever.


After getting back from his ride to the Yüksek Hills, Kongar immediately finds Balgay waiting for him, angrier that ever. "Why are you gone for so long Kongar." Kongar rolls his eyes, sometimes hating the special treatment he receives from Balgay. He cared to much for him. It was like Balgay thought he would go to the enemy. But it wasn't like that this time. Balgay simply wants Kongar to go on a mission.

"Osman is NOT our ally anymore. He is roaming around the woods south from here. Go, chase that scumbag. Kill him if you must, my son."

So again, Kongar rushes off. It isn't long before he finds traces of Osman. Osman Bey can be dumb sometimes, he thinks. He doesn't know that the leads were all a trick. A trick to lead him to a person. A person filled with longing. Longing for a brother.

Kongar got Osman this time. He sees the figure of a Turk in sheep skin. Balgay will be so proud of him now. He will be known as the great Mongolian commander that killed the great Osman, son of Ertugrul Ghazi. But it isn't Osman behind the bushes.

Konur turns around to see a bow pointing at his face. The plan had worked. Osman Bey lead Kongar to Konur.

"Why are you here?"

"To show you proof!"

Kongar rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed of the fact that nobody will shut up about this dumb brother business. But there was a little voice in the back of his head, edging him to stay. And so he did.

"I spent the last week trying to find the slave market in which I was saved from. The slave market in which Balgay took my brother Goktug. And here is it! Here is the document that says Balgay bought Goktug and renamed him to Kongar."

The document was handed to Kongar. His blue eyes scanned the page. As tears welled up in his eyes, a distant memory came to mind. Two boys and a girl, running around and around a Turkish tent, laughing.


Konur's eyes widen as he thanks Allah.

"Kardeş ..."

They embrace each other in a hug, and the longing that ached Konur's heart was fulfilled.


Zehra waits next to Boran at a secret spot in the woods. She doesn't know what is going on, and Boran or Osman Bey won't tell her anything.

"Boran!!! Can you please tell me?!?!?"

Zehra is nearly begging at Boran's feet. She was finally allowed to participate in another mission, but she has no idea what is going on.

"I told you Zehra! No, I am not saying. You will like it Zehra, merak etme."

Zehra rolls her eyes and playfully shoved Boran. He shoves her back and they are about to start a wrestling match when they hear horses. Zehra puts one hand in her sword and starts to unsheathe it. But Boran lowers it, and she looks up in surprise at who arrived.

"KONUR!! Finally you are back. You left me for an eternity!" But it is when he gets off his horse, she sees the real surprise.

His face was clean from all the mongol filth. Instead of a fierce scary expression was a bright smile. Zehra breathed in awe.


Her eyes diverted to Konur, who looked at her with a nod and smile. She ran up to him and buried herself in his Alp clothes. "Thank you, Konur Abi. Thank you Allah'im!"

"It was all Osman Bey's plan."

Zehra lifted her head from Konur's shoulder. She went and put her forehead to Osman's hand. But he refused it, and instead wrapped his arm around her. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!"

Boran laughed at Zehra's delight. He hadn't seen her so excited since being a child. She went and gave Boran a quick hug as well, as she was too happy.

Goktug looked down in embarrassment, and Zehra walked up to him. "How come you don't listen when I tell you, ha?!?!" Goktug remembered their earlier encounter and laughed.

Zehra gave him a pat on the back and smiled. Her family was completed.

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