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It was too late when they got there. Osman Bey was already injured. Zehra, Bamsi Bey, and the others brought him back to the tribe. Now they were pacing in front of the healing tent, waiting for Bala Hatun, Halime Hatun, or Selcan Ana to bring news.

A long time later, Selcan Hatun came out. She had a grim look on her face, and Zehra was scared. Gunduz Bey ran up to Selcan Ana and put grabbed ahold of her hands.

"Ana, please tell me. Is my brother okay? Is my entrustment from Ertugrul Ghazi safe?"

Selcan tried to give him a hopeful look. However, the news was not what anyone wanted to hear. Osman Bey was dead.

Zehra heard Boran slide down next to her. Tears spilled out of her eyes. Boran Alp slammed his fist into the earth. "It can't be. It can't be. My Bey can't be dead!" Zehra looked over and saw her brother, his hand in his fist. She ran over to him and grabbed his arm. "Is he really dead?" Konur asked her. Zehra pursed her lips and tears fell. She nodded. Konur fell onto her and together they slid down in a heap to the ground. Goktug watched as his siblings cried for their Bey. He never cried as a mongol. After all, Balgay sometimes killed their own soldiers. All they did was whisper the name of Tengri on the dead body.

Halime Sultan let all the close Alps and family members to come in and see Osman. Just as Dundar and Hazal were walking in, she stopped them. "Dundar. You were a traitor for so long. How do we know you didn't have to do anything with my son's death?!?!" Dundar's eyes widened as they filled with tears. He left, with his wife close behind him. Halime closed the door.

Suddenly, Osman got up from the bed. "Agabey," he said to Gunduz. Everyone started shedding happy tears and Bala explained,

"Faking Osman's death would give us an opportunity to strike and take the Kulucahisar Castle. We are going to sneak there and conquer it tonight. All the Alps cheered quietly and hugged each other.


Zehra put on her cloak with Boran and Konur. They were to sneak in as soldiers. Woops and happy hollers were heard from Kulucahisar. They were partying Osman's death. Zehra gave a disgusted look. Side by side with Goktug, Zehra waited for the doors to open.

The big wooden doors of Kulucahisar finally opened, and Zehra saw all the folks, along with soldiers, out on the cobblestone road. Princess Sofia stood in the middle of them, a wine glass in hand. The crowd parted and she saw the incoming caravan.

"Ayy! Komutan geldi! He joined us to party. Osman is dead!!"

Right on queue, Zehra and Goktug parted. Osman Bey walked through them and yanked off his cloak. All the folks gasped and ran, hiding in their shops. They knew of Osman Bey's mercy, and that he wasn't going to hurt them, but they feared the sound of clashing and the shedding of blood. Zehra and the other's pulled off their cloaks and unsheathed their swords. Zehra also grabbed her dagger from behind her.

"SOFIA," Osman Bey yelled, "With Allah's will, it isn't my time to die yet. It is yours. Get ready, alpler! Haydi, bismillah!" All the Alps ran into battle. Zehra took the right side, and made her way through the soldiers. She looked over and saw Goktug fighting as well. She smiled. It was good to have him back. She turned, and saw a spear coming at her. However, it stabbed a soldier in front of her first. It looked like that soldier had been about to stab her. The person that threw the spear was Konur. He looked at her in a playful stern voice and said,

"Allah, Zehra! I have just gotten all my siblings. Don't make me already lose another one."

She laughed and turned around. The two kardeşler were fighting back to back. Goktug looked over at them. He knew he wasn't going to ever be as close to them as they were to each other. They grew up without him. They weren't going to get angry at him, or disappointed in him. He wasn't going to be like a real sibling to them. They grew up without him. However, he would try his best. Nothing would stop him. He was going to become an Alp. He was going to be Zehra Hatun and Konur Alp's younger brother.


Goktug turned around and quickly ducked. He then span around, and sliced off the head of the Christian soldier that tried to hurt him. He turned to the voice and saw Zehra, along with Konur. They ran towards him and all three siblings fought the crusaders side by side. When the blood shed was finished, they still stood side by side. They listened to Osman's speech, and when the time came, they all yelled  Allahu Akbar in synch. Nothing was ever separating them again. Hiçbir şey.

And that was that. An Incomplete Family is finished. I hoped you guys liked the story. Maybe...maybe...after many years. Well maybe after Season 2 is finished. And after I finish some other stories. Maybe I will make a will see. But don't leave yet! I'm making an epilogue!!! Then you may leave. Tata for now. Lygsmmmmmm!!!

Wow that's like the longest chapter I have ever written in the history of my life. It's almost 1000 words. Usually my stories are only 300-400 😅

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