Chapter 20

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(M/n) was sipping on some good cup of coffee as he walked down the halls of the school. After leaving the club yesterday, the Nurse didn't bother returning to the club room and had actually gone straight home, thus leaving behind the three little things. But of course, the Nurse didn't have the house to himself since the trio called their own ride to his house and somehow, Nine had a spare key made, got inside.

The (h/c)ette didn't know what happened after he had left the school, but he is going to find out today inside the cafeteria since it's his turn to watch over the students. 'Damn I gotta change the locks again because that idiot,' the Nurse thought, as he angrily sipped on his coffee, done with the fact that Nine had once again made a spare key to his house...before sighing and losing the annoyance he had held for the Daredevil. 'At least he doesn't pick my locks anymore like he did when we were younger.'

(M/n) was lost in his thoughts for a good second as he finally made it to the doors of the cafeteria. The Nurse sighed as he entered the room, ready to find a place to hide and then sleep, while the students ate. As he walked, he would nod to a few of his colleagues who would wave at him.

'Alright, I get to sleep and eat some candy and maybe get to see someone tr...what the hell,' the (h/c)ette thought as he stopped walking suddenly and had to walk backwards a few steps and actually look at what was happening.


There in front of the Nurse, was the rest of the Host club, but that wasn't what caught his attention. No, what caught his eyes, were two bright colors that cover the heads of a certain set of twins. (M/n) paid no mind to the whispers of fangirls, who are surprised to see the club all together, outside of the club room. But of course the older male didn't care about that, because he was trying his best in holding in his laughter at the sight, as he got closer to the scene with no one from the club noticing.

As soon the Nurse had gotten close enough to see that the twins were arguing, over what you may ask, but he didn't know nor care. However he did see that the twin with blue dyed hair, picked up a dish of what looked like soup.

The (h/c)ette bit his lower lip, so he can hold in his laughter because he knew where this was going, but at the same time, realise that he should leave since it's suppose to be his job to stop the students from doing dumb shit like this. Before the Nurse could back away so he could watch the scene from afar, the blue headed twin had thrown his dish at the other, only for the pink haired one to foiled those plans by using Tamaki as a shield.

"PFT-HAHAHAHHAHAHA!! Fuck!! MY-hahaha-side!!!" the Nurse couldn't hold it in anymore, as laughter burst right out, with tears forming in his eyes from the scene. Nine was laughing a little as well, suddenly stopped and looked back and saw the older male holding his stomach from the pain of laughing. The Daredevil blushed at the sight and got his phone out so he could record the older male.

Just as the Nurse was calming down, the Hitachiin twins just had to start throwing things at each other. And at some point, they threw Honey and then Mori at each other, instantly almost killing the (h/c)ette, as he fell down to the ground, laughing harder than before.

Seeing the things getting thrown, Nine stopped recording, and ran off, only to come back with a sled. "....alright...I can...breath..." the (h/c)ette panted as he looked up, only to see the pink haired one, Hikaru, grab Tamaki and launch him at Kaoru, who just threw Nine, who quickly hop onto his sled. Within the second of the Daredevil trying out his new trick, he was knocked off the sled, by a certain blond, while the third year duo was still being thrown in the background.

"Hahahahaha!!! Fuck!!" And again the Nurse started to tiptoe the line between life and death, as he laughed harder than before after seeing Tamaki and Nine hitting each other in mid air.

Timeskip to later cuz (M/n) was laughing too hard

"So why am I in this meeting too?" (M/n) question Kyoya, who was using a calculator for some reason unknown to the older male. The Shadow King kept a cold smile on his face as he continued messing with the calculator, before finally answering the older male's question. "Simple. You're a part of the club, so you have no choice but to come, and even if you did somehow skip for no reason, then we can easily decrease the candy we are paying you with, till you start coming back. And before you say good and that you never wanted to join in the first place, you should realise that basically we are giving you first tier candy and limited or rare versions of some for free and all you have to do is talk to some girls."

The Nurse didn't even look unnerved that the 2nd year knew what he was about to say, instead he was impressed that the Shadow King knew how to keep him stuck in the club a little longer. So with that answer, the (h/c)ette shrugged his shoulders as he tried to lay his head down on the table to get some sleep, as Kyoya basically told Haruhi that he was at fault that the twins were fighting in a nice way.

However sadly for the older male, the small meeting was already over and Tamaki was leading everyone back to the club room, so they could check on the Hitachiin twins. Honesty (M/n) wasn't going to follow but then Haruhi just had to say that he'll make some coffee for the lazy older male if he came along. So, with coffee in his mind, the Nurse followed the club there.

As soon the Host club entered the clubroom, all they saw was a pile of random things behind the huffing and puffing twins. "Can you guys please stop fighting, it's driving me insane," Tamaki placed his hand on his face as his body twitched out of annoyance from how far and long the twins were fighting.

(M/n) walk around the club so he could sit down and watch the show, as Hikaru started insulting Kaoru and in a sense, himself as well since they are twins. "My love, do you want something to snack on?" Nine asks his crush, just as Kaoru pulls out the cursed doll.

"Nah, what I want is Sigh, just let them fight it out, Haruhi, Umehito wouldn't sell anything dangerous to people like them," the Nurse called out to the brunette, who just ran up on the twins and hit them in the head.

Sadly the Nurse was ignored by the brunette who then gasped in shock, once the twins suddenly did a 180 when Haruhi had said that he'll let them come over to his house if they stop fighting. The Daredevil and the (h/c)ette only watch the scene with a shake of their heads, surprised that the scholarship student fell for it so easily.

Ah, the first chapter of the new year!!! Well let's see how this year goes, guys!!! 

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