Chapter 7

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'Hell had found me…’ the Nurse thought as he stare at the calendar, that have a certain date, that will end his life. The (h/c)ette only sigh, before walking to the club room, hoping that his day won't get worse.

Few minutes later

'Why the fuck do I bother?’ (M/n) thought as he slump against a tree, trying to hide himself from prying eyes of the fangirls and Nine. ' the hell did they know about my size?’

“My Love!!! I found you!!!” (M/n) quickly look up at the tree, he was on and saw the owner of the voice that he know so well. There on one of the tallest branch of the tree, was the white-blue haired male, who was wearing a outfit like the twins and Tamaki, along with his goggles on his face. “You look so perfect in those clothes! It makes me want to push you down and take you!” Nine blushed, as he hugged himself, looking as if he's about to fall off the tree.

The Nurse glare at the male, before glancing at his own outfit, which is similar to Honey’s, but was mostly white and (f/c). “Shut up and be careful up you know what? Just fall, fall and break your damn neck,” the (h/c)ette growled as he attempt to stomp away from where he was at, only to quickly step back when the white-blue head appear in front of him.

The Nurse look up and there it was, a couple inches...more like a feet or 4, was a rope. “How the fuck did you not get rope burn?” (M/n) was able to utter out as Nine jump on him and push him onto the ground. “My body is stronger than you think, my lovely Nurse. And I can show you how in more ways than one~” Nine purrs into the Nurse’s ear but was loud enough for the fangirls that was watching to hear. All the fangirls were watching with wide eyes, as if that with one blink that they will miss everything, others having a bloody nose that was losing more blood by the minute, or was forcing their friends to keep watching.

“Oh my Lord! I can't keep watching or my lady boner will get worse!” One of the fangirls close her eyes in sadness, before her friend tugged on her arm. “Bitch, you better keep on watching because you know, this might not happen again!”

Okay before I let this continue and just in case people say this wasn't in the episode. I just put this down because I believe this was what the 2 girls, with the twins, were saying in the beginning...if they weren't so polite. Now back to the story.

At that moment Kyoya appear and made the same speech that he gave to the clients of the twins, to the fangirls of the Nurse and the danger loving boy. During that, (M/n) was finally able to push Nine off of him and quickly tried to make his escape.

Only to be stop by Honey, who ran toward with a cup of tea in his hands. “(N/n)-chan! (N/n)-chan! Have some of my tea! I made some for you!” Honey exclaimed with happiness seemly beaming out of his body as he continues to push the cup into the Nurse’s hands. (M/n) look at the cup in his hand before looking at the blonde shota, who was ready to take out his puppy dog eyes.

‘God... don't fucking kill me…’ (M/n) sigh as he took the cup and drank it, bracing himself for a horrible taste but was surprised when a wonderfully sweet taste hit his taste buds.

Sadly before anything else could happen, it was time for the fangirls to leave, making the girls whine and cry, as they slowly left the area, watching how the older male pet the shots on the head with a faint smile on his face causing the hosts to blush, all of them happy in the inside that only they have witnessed his smile. “You are now my second best drink maker. Don't disappoint me,” (M/n)'s smile disappear as he removed his hand and turn to face Nine, who was behind him, ready to pounce. “Nine. You better not mess or come mess with me the day after tomorrow or...there is no way you're getting a reward from me.”

“Oh. Isn't that day, the Physical Exam,” Kyoya spoke as he writes in his notebook, watching the older male, while gaining everyone's attention. The (h/c)ette glance at Kyoya, before sighing as he close his eyes out of annoyance. “As fucking always, correct Kyoya. But it's also the day where I am force to examine a few Haruhi, Kaoru, Hikaru. I hope you guys are the ones I get to examine.”

The said males blush at those words and/or blinked in shock that the older male hope to examine them, while the others either became stone or glare at the first years trio. “W-what!?!?! Why them!!! What about me, my love! I gotta be a better choice for you than them,” Nine wrapped his arms around the Nurse’s waist, kneeling on the ground, while rubbing his face against the (h/c)ette’s clothes. “Knowing you, this might be the time that you jump me or were thinking of doing that, weren't you,” the (h/c)ette tried to push the first year off him, but of course it was impossible. “(N/n)-chan, (N/n)-chan! How come you don't want to examine me?” Honey hugged Usa-chan even closer to his body with tears in his eyes, making sure that he’ll get his answer.

“...go take a nap…” the Nurse turn his head away from the shota, who wasn't about to give up, so he shuffled closer to the year older male, and all the sudden the background seem to have flowers around the small blonde. “Tch. Fine. Because if you come then Mori will come. And after what had happened, I’m not taking my chances again. And to answer any other questions, I didn't pick Tamaki, because he's almost like Nine, but a little bit actually he is a little bit better than Nine. And honestly there was no reason for me to not pick Kyoya, I guess I can hope to examine you,” (M/n) ponder out loud, before glancing at the smart blackette at the end of his words.

The Nurse look at Nine, missing the rare blushing sight of the Shadow King and the sight of Honey, Mori, and Tamaki turning into stone….once again since Tamaki just got back from being stone. “Now get the fuck off, I got to go back to work,” the (h/c)ette spoke to his friend, who seem to be frozen in shock. The white-blue head shook his head no, as he tighten his hold on the Nurse. A sigh escape the oldest male’s lips as he basically dragged the boy away with him to his office, tired of everything already, and couldn't wait for the day to be over.

Sorry if this chapter wasn't up to standards. And sorry if I confuse anyone, but Mori have black hair and on accident I made him have brown yeah...well laters and next time in The Nurse Host!

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