Chapter 11

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'Now who the fuck is next to get checked?’ the (h/c) thought as he pull out the note card again and actually, let me say it again since he don't do it that much and in big bold letters, ACTUALLY read the small list, instead of glancing at it. A small smile grew on his lips, shocking and causing the fangirls to squeal in usion at the sight, while the host club blush, as Nine quickly pull out his new phone and snap about….a lot of pictures of the smile.

'So I get to check him….I'll save him for last. Now who should I pick….’ the Nurse thought as he glance around the room, before his eyes landed on the person he was looking for. “Alright, Kyoya. I guess God is trying to give me an easy day,” the Nurse muttered as he slip the card back into his pocket, and once again started to walk off towards his office. Thankfully or probably unfortunately for the Shadow King, the fangirls heard who was next to be examined and were speaking/fangirling at what might happen, while Nine growled/hissed at him.

Before Kyoya could follow (M/n) out the door, he was intercepted by Nine, who’s glare can set the sea on fire. “Listen here, Kyoya. I got my eyes on you. If you even attempt to suck my Nurse’s dick, I'll be there faster than you could moan for more,” Nine spoke as he snap his fingers as if to show how fast he would be there, if Kyoya tried to do what he said. The glasses bearer didn't even seem fazed by the words that left the Daredevil's mouth. “That's pretty funny, Nine. Because if I recalled correctly, (M/n) and you are not together at all. So why are you even calling him yours?” Kyoya push up his glasses as he look at a page of his black book. Nine only froze in shock at those words, letting the Shadow King to pass by and walk to the Nurse's office.

“Alright, Kyoya. This is an simple process….open your mouth,” the (h/c)ette spoke as he grab a popsicle stick and turn around to face the glasses bearer. Unknown to the Nurse, the Shadow King felt a pleasurable chill go down his spine, as a perverted thought pass through his mind. The Shadow King open his mouth as his eyes slowly became half lidded, as the Nurse tilt his head up and gently press the stick down on the blackette's tongue.

After looking inside his mouth, (M/n) took the stick and threw it away, and quickly within a second, set a thermometer in Kyoya's mouth, who without needing instructions, move his tongue over it. As the (h/c)ette continue the check up, Kyoya started to daydream during it.

Kyoya's Daydream

“(M/n)~. Are you feeling comfortable? Do you want Master to loosen the bonds up a bit,” Kyoya purred, as he lick the fluster Nurse's earlobe. The (h/c)ette was bound on a armless chair, with his hands tied behind his back and his legs tied to the chairs leg. The only thing on the Nurse's body is his lab coat and his pants. “Well, Slave?”

Unlike the (h/c)ette, Kyoya had his school uniform on, but without the overcoat and the tie isn't tie. “Huh? W-what you say?” (M/n) mumbled out as he glance up at the blackette, who stare down at him with affection. The (h/c)ette grunts as he felt pain flare up a second, for the Shadow King yank the older male's head back by his hair. “Tsk, tsk. Bad Slave...but it wouldn't be enjoyable if you're weren't so rebellious as you are now,” The Shadow King smirk as his slave glare at him, which would have been effective if it wasn't for the blush covering his face.

Unable to contain himself, Kyoya lean down and press his lips against the bound male, who's eyes widened a second. Not waiting for his seme to respond back to the kiss, the Shadow King nip at the (h/c)ette's lips, trying to get him to open up. The Nurse kept his lips close as best as he can, before he gasp out in pain, which turn into a moan as the blackette quickly force his tongue inside the other mouth.

Tongues battling each other for dominance. Kyoya's hands were everywhere on the (h/c)ette, softly pulling at his hair, while the other hand was tracing the shirtless male's abs. Unfortunately, for Kyoya, the thing known as air exist, causing him to pull back from the wonderful kiss. “Good let's move on to the good part….after all you want to please your Master, don't you,” the younger male pants out as he gaze at breathless older male. The blackette slowly move his hand down to his crush's pants zipper, eagerly wanting to remove the barrier to his prize.

End of Kyoya's Daydream

“Alright Kyoya. That's it,” (M/n) spoke as he wrote the data he got, onto the form he had. The said second year quickly snap out of the date he was in, and slowly, but not slow enough for the (h/c)ette to notice he was moving slowly, put his shirt back on. “Well I have some bad news for you Kyoya,” the Nurse started as he continues to write, causing the Shadow King to look at him in surprise. I mean why wouldn't the second year look at the (h/c)ette in surprise, since he literally have an hospital at his beck and call, and none of the doctors, who check on him, never said anything was wrong with him. “Yeah the bad news is that you're perfectly healthy. So healthy that your little friend seems that he want to wave at me.”

The younger male was a little bit confused on what the Nurse was saying, before the said male point his pencil at him. Following the direction of where the pencil was pointing, Kyoya's face turn red in embarrassment at the fact he became hard infront of his crush.

“I'll give you a few minutes to handle that before I go grab my next patient.”

First chapter of the new year, Yay!!! Well I'm off, let's hope that it don't take me long to update again....for any of my stories....

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