Chapter 4

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“What...the...fuck,” the Nurse spoke as he stare at what was the Host room before. “Yay! I can finally fight against a poisonous snake! Come at me bitches!” Nine cheered as he ran off, hoping to find one, just as Haruhi enter the room, and stare at everything in shock. “Don’t make a mess with your blood,” (M/n) shout after the boy, but sigh when he realized that the white-blue haired male was far too gone to hear him. “Damn moron. There was a damn snake right here.” The (h/c)ette only shook his head in disappointment, while Haruhi just got finished getting a letsure to by Tamaki and Kyoya.

Mini time skip

“Oh, (M/n)-kun, what's wrong with Nine-kun?” a girl asked, her voice full of worry about the male, who was laying down on the couch, with his face buried in the Nurse’s lap. “Tch. The boy just upset that Kyoya told him, that he’s not allow to fucking fight the snakes...and he’s also being a damn pervert,” (M/n) quickly yank Nine off of his lap, when he felt the male’s hand wander to his zipper, as the girls had a nosebleed when they realize what the younger male was trying to do.

“Oh yes. I almost forgot to mention to you, ladies. Next week, the Ouran host club is sponsoring a party,” Tamaki spoke to his guest, loud enough for the new host trio to hear, unknowingly making (h/c)ette and white-blue head to freeze in shock. ‘These bastards are planning to kill me,’ (M/n) thought as his eye twitch in annoyance. ‘Ah! This might be my chance to get into (M/n)’s pants!’ Nine thought as flames seem to surround his eyes, while he pump his fist into the air.

“(M/n), Nine. How come you guys aren't in costume?” a blond asked as she twirled her long hair around her finger, unknowingly in usion with another girl, who ask Haruhi the same question.

“I'm not going to become some dress up doll…” the Nurse answered, causing most of the girls to sigh at his coolness. ‘Not without a price that is,’ the (h/c)ette sighed, knowing that it is possible that he’s going to be force to in the near future.

“Oh? Why didn't you just say so,” Nine reply, when he realized what the girl wanted, before standing up and started to unbuttoned his shirt. “Nine, why the fuck are you stripping for these girls,” (M/n) watch as his companion strip himself of his shirt, as the girls started to squeal and some fainted from what was happening.

“Because I want your attention and I don't care how I do it, since I'm getting it!” the white-blue head purred as he was about to unbuttoned his pants, but luckily was stop by the older male, because the girls couldn't take any more of the fan service and seem that they are about to lose even more of their blood from their nosebleed.

‘Ffffuuuucccckkk. Now I got work to do,’ the Nurse sighed as he force his companion to sit down on his lap, so he can stop stripping, but it seem that the younger male didn't mind as he cuddled into him, with a cat-like expression.

Time-skip to end of day

“What’s wrong with the blonde?” (M/n) question as he lay down on one of the couches in the room, watching as Tamaki eat some ramen in a depressed like manner. “I don't know, but it seem that they're about to explain,” Nine tilt his head as he adjusted his goggles, after the twins spoke to Tamaki.

“He shouldn't be surprised. She's had the illness for a while now, hasn't she?” Kyoya spoke up as he type into his pineapple laptop, drawing the newbies’ attentions. “What illness?” Haruhi question in confusion, surprise to hear that the girl was sick. “She got the Host hopping disease,” Hikaru slid behind Kyoya as he move his hands to shug, just as his brother slid from behind him, and continue to answer the brunette. “AKA never the same boy twice disease.”

The Nurse facepalmed at the so-called disease, while Kyoya explain why to the natural. “Usually, our customers choose a favorite host and see them regularly. However, princess Kanako tends to change her favorites on a regular basis.”

“That's right! Cause before she chose you, she was with Tama-chan!” Honey said as he hugged Usa-chan closer to his body, with a huge grin. “Pfft. So he’s jealous that she chose to be with Haruhi!” (M/n) quickly hold in a laugh, trying to hold in his joy at others misery. “SHUT UP! I COULDN'T CARE LESS!” Tamaki yelled at the older male, who snicker a bit, making the blond pout.

“Omg! (M/n), my love! Please marry me!” Nine exclaim after he heard the Nurse laugh a bit, sliding on his knees to grab his beloved’s hands, while pushing Tamaki out of the way. “Brothers do not attempt to marry each other!” Tamaki yelled at Nine, filled with jealousy that the white-blue haired male is so close to the Nurse, but of course, the blond don't even realise that why he was jealous if the boy.

“Tch. Have you heard of the word incest? So I can definitely have a sexual relationship with (M/n), as long that nobody knows,” the shorter male smirk as he circle his arms around the said male’s neck, shocking Tamaki with those words. “Momma! Nine is using those dirty words again!” the blond cries out as he sank to his knees, covering his face with his handkerchief. “I'm sorry, but who is Momma?” Kaoru asked Kyoya, ignoring the fact that Nine was attempting to kiss the Nurse, but was stop by the same male. “Based on club position, I assume it's me,” Kyoya states, as his eyes soften when (M/n) push Nine onto the floor, before rolling onto his side to take a nap.

‘These people are quite something...quite fucking annoying,’ the (h/c)ette yawn as he close his eyes, not hearing Tamaki ordering Haruhi to learn how to dance. ‘Nine better wake me up, so we can go home.’

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