Chapter 1: Waking Up In Blood (Part 1)

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We set our eyes on a lone shinobi, waking up under a straw blanket, he gets up, puting a hand on his incoming headache to find a prosthetic arm.

As he inspects his new arm, he notices a faint glow near him. Getting up he finds a person, and old man with one arm chipping away at at what looks like wooden doll.

???" So your awake, looks like death is not your fate just yet. Some time has passed since I've found you: your master still lives but they'll soon make use of his bloodline. The limb you lost will give way to something more... Usefull. You'll learn to appreciate it's worth. Your death won't come easily."

The shinobi said nothing as he left, in a search for his master, the divine heir.


Some time later...


As the shinobi transversed the land he later found to be called Ashina, he found many enemies looking to stop anyone who dared passed them. He had delt with them quickly, trying with all his might to find his lost master that he had sworn to protect. After he had killed more guards, he heard the sounds of struggle, something large. He had taken note of the two chatty guards in front of the large enemy.

Guard 1:" I dont feel safe with that big bastard just tied up next to us."

Guard 2:" I'd rather not be gravely injured just before the war begins."

Guard 1:"... If the worst happens, only choice is to use fire."

Guard 2:" Those red eyes fear fire. That's what the lord's proclamation said."

Guard 1:" proclamations... What a joke. Ashina sure has a funny way of preparing for war..."

Taking note of the use of fire, the shinobi deals with the two guards swiftly and approaches the oversized human.

When the shinobi got close to the monster of a man, he went enraged and devastatingly, he broke out of his chained restraints and started stomping his way to his new target. When he got near he wound up his leg and went for a large kick that made him fall on his back, giving the shinobi time to deal damage. When the Ogre got up he immediately threw up his fists in an attempt to crush the sword wielding enemy, a futile attempt that ended in hitting the ground as the shinobi had gotten out of the way in time to not be hurt. What can next was very surprising, the Ogre reached up his arms and grabbed the shinobi in one quick movement and threw him over himself, down the long set of stair leading to where they first started fighting. In the next moment and unable to move out of the way, the Ogre had started sprinting to the downed Shinobi and grabbed him, what happens next was a blur as the Ogre got up and slammed his fists into the shinobi...

We see ourselves waking up from a grave, clad in armor with a sword and shield, rising from the grave with dust and grime falling from the knight.

When he found his balance from being awoken from his long slumber, a distant chime of a large bell in the distance. he got up and started walking. When he'd walked a little farther from his grave, he found water, all around, and a creature in black robes and a broken sword. When the creature had noticed the knight, he immediately rushed him, raising his blade high above him in attempt to strike him. The knight saw this and raised his shield and blocked the attack, in retaliation to the surprise attack, the night swung his sword, slashing the human, staggering it as it backed away in pain. In that instant, the knight rushed in not letting his attacker breath another second as he plunged his blade straight through his chest, killing it as it slipped off his bloody sword.

As the knight continued, he found another knight, already dead, found laying under a fountain, probably the source of all the water. He leaned down to the knight, finding a shiny, blue object on him, he pulled it off the corpse and found it to be a flask, blue in color, putting the flask away, the knight paid his respects to the deceased and continued. Looking around, he found two sets of stairs on either side of him. One leads to another creature, seemingly unaware of his presence, the other is unknown to him. Then there's a path in front of him, another creature holding a crossbow.

The knight walks up the crossbow wielding husk. Once he noticed the knight, he sat on a knee and knocked an arrow, seemingly on fire and shot at the knight. The knight rolled under the hollow, yes, that's a fitting name, and stabbed his sword towards the hollow, landing true he stood up, sword still in the living monster, and plunged his sword deeper into the hollow, killing it slowly.

The knight found himself on a cliffside, ending to find a bonfire with a coiled sword, stuck in bones and ash. The knight reached up to the sword hilt, not grabbing it, but magically lighting the fire ablaze. Sitting down to take a rest and feel it's warmth as it somehow rejuvenated him of his tiredness.

The knight stood up and continued his walk, he didn't know where he was going but he couldn't stay here, the feeling of going mad itched his mind. As the knight continued, he saw another hollow bumbling towards him. The knight got ready, raising his shield to protect himself, but when the hollow attacked him, he forcefully bashed the hollows sword away, leaving him wide open as the knight took his opening and stabbed his sword straight through the hollows stomach. As the hollow went down, the knight raised his boot and roughly kicked the dead hollow off his blade.

The knight continued down, finding two more hollows, sitting. He decided against killing them this time, wanting to preserve his stamina as much as he could with his journey ahead. So, he ran, until he passed another holding his head as he leaned on the cliff wall, and then he found a fourth, another hollow with a crossbow. As the hollow readied his arrow, the knight was faster, mid run he swung his blade, making a large bloody gash on the hollows neck leaving him to bleed out.

As he continued under a large arch, he found a large grave with an even larger tree, looming over him and the area he had stepped in. The most noticable thing he found was a large man in armor with a glaive stuck in the ground next to him.... And a large sword, stuck in his chest. Walking cautiously to the other, presumably dead knight, he found the sword to be that same sword in the bonfire. The knight walked closer, finding no reaction from the larger knight as he approached, and grabbed the coiled sword, and wretched it from his chest. Once fully out, the sword disappeared into embers and ash, right before his eyes, unsure of what happened. In that same moment, he awoke the giant, as he raised from his kneeling position and grabbed his glaive.

Alright, that's where I'm gonna leave this for now. I honestly just wanted a chapter out real quick. I've ment to make this story a LONG time ago but never got to it. This is a RWBY crossover with Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro, Sekiro will not be a wolf faunus ironically, I like it that way. I'll end each segment of a world at a cliffhanger and start the previous/next one where it ended until all 3 main characters meet in Remnant as you saw with Sekiro with the Ogre, same thing will happen with the other two.

This is my second book I'm making, feel free to look at "The Fallen Devil" it's a Destiny 2 and Hazbin Hotel fanfic, it's older, honestly incomplete, and poorly made. Alright my friends, I have a bed beckoning my name so I'll see you all in the next chapter, have a good night, afternoon, morning everyone.

1391 words
(I plan on making longer chapters than this, more in the 3k to 5k words)

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