Chapter 3: A Battle Against Beasts.

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Not sure who's the artist but...
"HD wallpaper: man holding sword game wallpaper."


With that, enjoy!

???: Pov

As I reach the top of the of the ladder, I see a faint glowing lantern, and distant coughing and ragged breathing. I approach the lantern, snapping my finger into it as it lights up and out came four little grey creatures, I back away, not knowing what I'm looking at, but seeing as they are just praying to the lantern, I suspect they're non hostile. As I look around my new surroundings, I see a lit up window with a burning red lantern, walking up to it I knock on the window.

???:"Oh you must be a Hunter, and not one from around here either. I'm Gilbert, a fellow outsider. You must have had a fine time of it. Yarnham has a special way of treating guests. I don't think I can stand even if I wanted to, but I'm willing to help, if there's anything that can be done (coughs). This town is cursed. Whatever your reasons might be you should plan a swift exit. Whatever can be gained from this place, it will do more harm than good."

Looking back at what the note said on the chair, I ask about paleblood.

Gilbert:" Paleblood, you say? Hmm... Never heard of it. But if it's blood you're interested in, you should try the Healing Church. The church controls all knowledge on blood ministration, and all varieties of blood. Across the valley to the East of Yharnam lies the town of the Healing Church, known as the Cathedral Ward. And deep within the Cathedral Ward lies the old Grand Cathedral. ...the birthplace of the Healing Church's special blood, or so they say. *coughs* Yharnamites don't share much with outsiders. Normally, they wouldn't let you near this place, but... The hunt is on tonight. This might be your chance..."

The hunt again, what is that. If what he says about this town, and the wolf I fought, the hunt is about killing beasts and cleaning the streets. That's something I can get around.

Thinking on his words, I ask him about directions.

Gilbert:" Ah, Yes... the great bridge is the only way to the Cathedral Ward. And during the hunt, the bridge is closed... Hmm... You could try the aqueduct? There's a rather, how shall I put it, colorful area south of the great bridge. From there, an aqueduct leads to the Cathedral Ward. *coughs* Not a place you'd normally want to visit, but... I don't imagine you have much of a choice. Do you?"

With that, I thank the kind man and wish him off with good spirits. I look next to me seeing once again, another gate, I try pushing it but find it's locked, or, now that I look around it, the hinges are the other way around, I'll have to find a way to the other side. Ignoring the gate, I go right, down a ramp and find a body, looking at his hands I see he has a few stones, taking them I look across a bridge and start walking across. Once I'm about across the small bridge, I hear scraping, I look down, seeing abandoned carriages, dead horses, and what I assume are Yharnamites, as well as many crucified, burning beasts on stakes. Their fur and flesh burning into slop of burnt, and tortured flesh. A few of them cut in half, their intervals being shown to any passerby. I continued over the small bridge, finding many boxes and coffins stacked in one place. As I near, trying to find a way past, I was suddenly attacked by another Yharnamite, breaking all the boxes and coffins, he swings wildly in hopes of hitting me.

As he continues, I grab him arm and punch him right to the side of his head, in the time he was staggered, I grabbed his cleaver. When he gets his senses back together, he charges me, trying to tackle me. I dodge his charge and let him fall, while he was in the ground I jump and heel stomp his back where his spine should be and hear a sickening *CRUNCH* and kneel on his back. Sitting on him, I use his cleaver and plunge it into his shoulder as he cries out in agony, unable to do anything in retaliation for his damages spine. Ripping out the cleaver slowly, as he screams more, I raise it over my head, one hand on his arm with the bleeding shoulder, and I start chopping, and chopping, and cleaving his arm. Breaking bones and even further until his arm is completely severed, blood pooling around us as I feel an immense amount of ecstasy, the immense feeling of my mind going numb with the feeling of blood, dripping and drooling over me. From that point on, I didn't have any control over myself as I continue to cut, slice, and chop away at the Yharnamite's already deceased corpse. Making him a glorified, gory angel. The smell and scent of blood was so overwhelming, it brought me the most pleasure since I woke in this paradise. Once I was pleased with the one, I continued, looking for more, more to cut into pieces and chunks. More to bring me more pleasure. All I can think of was blood, the smell of iron, the feeling of my weapon digging and cutting more flesh, bone, and much more. I couldn't think straight, my mind wondered from me as I continued my manhunt for blood and the sweet scent of blood.

I don't know how long it had been... Hours? How long was I out of it? When I finally came to my own senses, I was sitting straddled on a man, his chest wide open, his ribs and chest caved in, his organs crushed and cut to pieces, his heart in my hands, oozing blood onto my clothes. As I look at myself, I see that I'm covered head to toe in guts, blood and gore. Not a spot clean of blood. I look at my weapon, dull, cracked and chipped almost broken in pieces.

As I venture my way back, I pass under a tunnel, as I exit the other side, my mind gets foggy again, but I try and suppress it. Finding one of those large wolves I fought before the ladder, also crucified and on fire, under him a pile of burning bodies and bones. Looking away from that, I look around the area, to find nothing but blood, missing limbs, removed heads, intestines, bones and an assortment of bloody gore. Nothing was safe, nothing was living anymore. Teeth and eyes scattered the ground. Not even a dog was safe, the thing was brutally cut in half, it's guts and bones spewed across the ground. As I kept walking I found a rifle, still in working condition, but it's owner... Not so much. Looking what I could find, I grabbed an axe and a few bullets from what clothing I could find. Venturing onward, I heard the sound of heavy metal crunching into the ground, something big and heavy was walking around. Seeing a carriage with boxes and coffins surrounding it, I also see a hulking figure, draped in a large black cape and heavy armor, with a very large cleaver, or axe in his arms. As I maneuver my way towards him, in hopes of killing him and taking that cape, I carefully walk my way around, carful of not knocking over bottles or breaking any boxes.

I get close behind him and raise my axe far and high behind me, swinging down with all my might, this surprise attack knocked the giant to his knees. Seeing the opening, I plunge my arm deep into him were I slashed his back and grab his spine, thick with girth, I forcefully pulled back, breaking and ripping out his spine in the process, as his body flies forward. Seeing as he struggled to get up but was still barely alive, I climb up his back, pull back his hood and crush his skull with my axe, and for safe measure, I kept bashing his brains in with the axe. Seeing as he doesn't move anymore, I remove his cape, strapping it around my neck. It fit perfectly as the hood covered my head and face better than the hood I had, and the cape was just above my calf's. Not caring, I break the coffins and boxes, walking out from the murder. Walking ahead, I see a giant gate and another lever l, much like the one that dropped down the ladder. I pull the lever and as it opens, I see it opened up to the ladder area. As I walk by, I can see the dead Yharnamites and the big wolf I killed being feasted on by rats, small little critters eating whatever they find. Eyes, brain matter, severed limbs, a good few of them have burrowed their way into the wolf's stomach and started their feast inside.

I decided to not deal with them as I climb back up the ladder. Once I reach the top, I see the lantern again, glowing it's dim purple color, the small little creatures still praying towards it. Walking to the lantern, I can still hear Gilbert coughing vigorously, I feel sorry for the old man. Looking back to the lantern, seeing the little creatures pray to the lantern, I decided to follow suit and pray to the lantern, closing my eyes.

???" Loyal wolf, take my blood and live again."


Woah, that was... Something...

Sorry for the very late chapter, I haven't gotten the chance to edit or update my chapters with so many things going on at once (check my announcement for details)

I hope all of you who were able to withstand this chapter to see it to the end! I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all in the next one! Peace ✌️



I won't be updating this story for a second, that's because I'm finally going to work on "The Tale of Two Souls"!!! FINALLY!!!!

Took me a second but I'm going to be working on that for a little bit, I'll be working on both for whoever likes this story too, but I'll be working on the adopted story now!

ANYWAY, now, I'll see you later everyone. Peace ✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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