Chapter 2: Waking Up In Blood (Part 2)

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As the giant knight raised from the ground, he attacked. Swinging his glaive left and right, slamming it into the ground in attempts to stop the smaller knight from his quest that he still has yet to find out.

As the other knight dodges, blocks and parried the huge knights attacks, the giant came at him with a big side punch, dazing the other knight, then a sudden shoulder bash knocking him off balance, finished with a fast and critical upper swing, sending the ashen knight into the air. As the battered knight struggled to stand, he pulled out a flask, much like the blue one, this one was orange. Taking a sip of the orange liquid, the knights injuries seemed to nearly go away, his armor can't say the same though.

As the colasal knight looked at the smaller one, circling him slowly, he got impatient waiting to see if the smaller knight would attack. In that moment, the glaive weilding knight raised his weapon again and swung, but missed. He swung his weapon again, missed again. As more time passed, the smaller knight kept dodging and weaving away from the massive knights attacks.

After going in and out, making small damage on his dense armor, he does something the smaller knight had no time to react to. In a flash, the sizeable knight grabs his throat with a large hand and tight grip. The mighty knight held the ashen knight, inspecting him, before stabbing his halberd all the way through the ashen knights chest and stomach, spreading blood every which way. The tremendous knight tosses the ashen knight off his glaive, sending the knight to a cliff edge. As the ashen knight weakly and desperately tries to fish his hand through his armor for his orange flask. But not in time though, as the ashen knight hears armor clacking before nothing, looking around not seeing the gargantuan knight, before looking up, glaive pointed down towards the small knight. At the point of impact, the glaive did not hit him, but instead blasted him off the cliff, making him lose his flask that was in his hand and fall to his demise. The last thing he saw was the towering knight looking down at him, in a poised stance, before being stabbed all the way through his chest by a stalagmite.

??? Pov

As I open my eyes, I see an I.V. stand, strapped to my arm. As I sit up, I find myself on an operating table. I seem to be in a doctor's workspace, a clinic maybe. As I remove the needle in my arm, I slowly hop off the table. Reaching for my head as I feel a wave of pain take over me, I swing and sway into a cupboard, spilling vials and bottles filled with alcohol and blood. When I try to walk, my legs fail me, making me grab and arm on a chair, seeing a note on the seat, I try and read it but find it very difficult as my eyes try and make out the words on the paper.

"Seek paleblood to transcend the hunt."

Hunt? Paleblood? What do these mean? I stagger my way further, to a set doors. I try and walk to the doors but trip over myself, falling through the doors and down a set of stairs.

I don't know how long I was out for, but I get up non-the-less. Dizzily, I try to make my way forward, not making it very far from where I awoke before falling on my knees. When I get my head together, I come to my senses and hear the sound of bones crunching and soft smacking of jaws eating... With the smell of iron and blood. The sickly sweet smell of blood, its so... Oh, its so sweet, I look to see a massive wolf, gnawing and crunching away a corpse, his stomach open wide, his ribcage splintered so the wolf could feast more on his bloody and broken body.

As the scent blood calls to me, my head goes into a frenzy, desperately trying to get closer to the blood, but before I could get close enough, the wolf heard me stumbling my way closer, and stopped his feasting to look at me. I had to forcefully stop myself to weave away from the wolf's hungry maw. The wolf went for another attack, swinging it's claws for my neck when I duck under them. The beast attacks with it's claws again, unsure where to go I raise my arm and blocked the attack, taking the attack In my arm as it starts bleeding heavily. Taken aback I falter and trip on the body the wolf was eating, realizing I might die today and in a fit of fear I quickly get up and run ahead. Bursting open a door and quickly shutting it behind me, I run across a small graveyard. Seeing a big gate I ran to it and start pushing hard on the doors. Behind me, the wolf burst open the door into splinters, looking around before seeing me. I push open the doors harder, opening them slowly as the oversized wolf slowly makes its way to me.

I open the gate and try to close it behind me, finding the same resistance as when I was trying to open them, I decide against it and run. Looking for a place to hide, I don't find very much cover to hide in... Other than a dead, decaying horse carcass. Throwing my disgust away, I quickly crawl my way into the horses open ribcage. Not even wanting to describe what I find in this thing, I crawl my way deeper into its chest, trying to mask my bloody scent it might have on me and make myself smaller by crawling into a fetal position. Holding my legs close to me I find a bit of comfort while being inside the horses body, the smell was nothing I've had the indecency of inhaling into my lungs before. As I wait, I hear the wolf growling and walking slowly past me, I can see it's snout enter the body and quickly retreat in disgust. I get a full view of it's back as it continued searching for me. I lie and wait for it to go back into the clinic, as bugs and insects look for more food, biting and crawling over me, a centipede tries to find a new burrow in my ear but I quickly swat it away. What I hear next were screams, agonizing screams as I suggest it found other pray to feast on.

I wait for it to finish, hearing the end of the screams, I hear it's clawed feet walking past me once again. Just as before, I see it stop as I hitch my breath, being as quite as I can. A few seconds of waiting later, it leaves, back the way to the clinic. Waiting a little more to be safe, I quickly exit the horses body shaking and jumping around to get any and all other critters off of me. Once that's done, I walk forward, walking up to a carriage seeing a torch and a severed hand on the ground before I could even cross the corner.

Once I do, I see what was three people, butchered and mangled into pieces. Intestines, brains and eyes, fingers, legs and arms, scattered across the ground, like a cults ceremony crudely made. I look around to find anything useful, the people had axes and hatchets, the weapons were all damaged and blunt, they didn't stand a chance against it, although, that torch looked pretty useful, lighting up dark areas, burning and setting ablaze to fur and cloth, yeah, this had some uses. As I kept looking around, stepping over the occasional missing body part from it's host, I found some Molotov cocktails, even better. As I stashed away my findings, I looked around, seeing another giant gate a few paces ahead of me, looking up I found a retracted ladder... And a lever right next to it. I decided to leave the gate to some other time and pull the leaver, sending the ladder down to me.

As I gabbed the first handle, I heard snarling behind me, not taking the leisurely time to look back at the wolf that came back, I quickly bound myself up the ladder. Before I could get out of it's reach though, the beast grabbed my leg and started gnawing on my calf, almost loosing my grip, I kick the beast with my other leg... A bad decision as I couldn't hold my weight or the wolf's, and I let go. As we came crashing down, I fell on top of the beasts back, as I recover from the fall, I realize this, I capitalized on the moment to rearrange myself and grab the top half of the beasts maw, it's teeth digging into my palm as I held my grip. The wolf started bucking and swiping and me to get off, instead I wrap my legs around its chest and under it's arms as it starts biting my hand, feeling the pain, I raise it's head up, making it more difficult for it to bite me as I start punching it's neck bones under it's skull, digging my fingers deep into its eyes and probing deeper into it's sockets for a weak spot to dig my finger deeper into it as blood seeped from where its eyes were.

While still on the wolf, I started stabbing my fingers hard and deep into its eyes, repeatedly, in and out. Finding it's ears I scream as loudly as I possibly could, drying to deafen it. When I finally got off, it was blind and deaf, so it tried smelling for me, but the massacre it created snuffed out the gash it made on my arm, further masking my bloody scent.

As it tried to find me, swiping it's arm through the air in attempts to find me, I grab a Molotov and my torch. As I  light the Molotov, the hanging cloth lights up my bloody bandages as well. In a fleeting attempt, I throw the Molotov right to the beasts skull with enough force it shatters on the beast, setting it ablaze. While I on the other hand, quickly swat my burning bandages. It took some time but it finally went out, I look to the wolf, finding a burned, charred husk. Finding a small victory over this, I leave the wolf and finally continue up the ladder. Taking a second, about half way up the ladder I stop to take a breath. In that moment, I hear an awful, terrible scream, something beastly, that scream wasn't one of fear, it wasn't one of pride. It was a beastly, gutteral scream of challenge.

And I accept.

Hey everyone, thanks for reading today's, tonight's chapter. I hope you enjoyed, I hope you all have a great day, night, morning, week. And I hope you all the best, see you next time.

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