Thor- Ch. 4

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Word Count: 1342

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Word Count: 1342

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The roar of cheering from the crowd of Asgardians erupted through the entire palace at the sight of their future king making his way to the throne.

Thor stood confidently at the top of a stairwell that led down to the throne, and raised his hammer in the air, drinking in all the praise and cheers from his people

Aria, Sif and Loki simultaneously rolled their eyes at the prince's actions, as they stood in a line on the small stairwell next to the giant golden throne

Thor cockily walked down the steps and made his way to where his family awaits him, raising his hammer ever so often, enticing a loud reaction from the crowd.

Smiling smugly, Thor flipped his hammer in his hand and pointed it in Lady Sif's direction with his eyebrows raised, in an attempt to impress her

"Oh please" Sif rolled her eyes once again and subtly glanced at Aria "you're related to that?" Sif asked as she pointed to the prince who continued his arrogant walk towards them

Aria let out a soft chuckle "unfortunately"

Aria watched her brother throw his hands in fists up in the air, encouraging the crowd to cheer for him, causing her to pull her lips into a thin line

She looked up to the throne where her father sat and watched his emotionless, unimpressed expression follow Thor as he continued his way down to the throne

Aria loved her brother, there's no doubt about that, and she was beyond happy for him as today was his special day where he would become King of Asgard. 

However, sometimes his cocky personality and need for attention got the best of him, as if he was a toddler, and watching his childish behaviour wasn't at all impressive.

After a solid four minutes of Thor absorbing the affection the crowd showed, he finally made it to the base of the throne.

He slowly knelt down in front of the allfather and gingerly placed his hammer next to him. He reached for his silver, winged helmet and carefully took it off, placing it gently in front of him

He lifted his head, with a smug smile plastered across his face as he carefully eyed the people around him.

When his eyes landed on his Mother he winked at her causing her to give him the good old 'stop-whatever-your-playing-at-and-focus' look that he was all too familiar with

He then locked eyes with his sister who gently smiled and nudged her head towards their father, silently telling him to pay attention as the Allfather slowly stood from his throne

Thor quickly glanced at the warriors three who stood at the opposite side of the steps to where Aria, Loki, Frigga, and Sif stood, and gave them a quick closed lip smile before shifting his gaze to his father.

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