Thor- Ch.2

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Word Count: 1064

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Word Count: 1064

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Thor, Loki and Aria walked hand-in-hand through the large golden castle to where their father was, nodding and waving to the guards as they passed.

Aria was almost half of both Thor and Loki's height so she had to practically jump in order to keep up with their pace, causing her to swing lightly from their conjoined hands.

Thor and Loki opened the large golden doors to the throne room where their father was waiting for them. They slowly walked in and across the room to where their father sat patiently on the throne, guards bowing their heads as they passed.

"My children," Odin started as he stood up

"Father" they chorused as they knelt down and bowed their heads down

"You requested our presence?" Aria's small voice bounced around the golden walls around the room

"I did," he confirmed as he walked down the steps to where his children now stood "walk with me" he said as he took Thor and Loki's hand in his own, as Aria clasped hands with Thor

"Once, Mankind accepted a simple truth," he started as they walked down the long hallway of the throne room "that they were not alone in this universe, some worlds man believed to be home to their gods, others, they knew to fear."

As they reached the end of the hall, two guards opened the large doors to the throne room, allowing Thor, Loki, Aria and their father to leave as the children listened intently to the story their father told

"From a realm of cold and darkness came the Frost Giants," he continued as they walked down the wide hallways of the castle "threatening to plunge the mortal world into a new ice age." Aria stifled a gasp as she held Thor's hand a little tighter in fear

Thor however noticed this and started rubbing his thumb soothingly over the back of Arias hand to silently reassure her that she was safe. He looked down at her and gave her a reassuring smile as Aria shifted closer to him, earning a warm smile from his little sister in return 

"But humanity would not face this threat alone." he paused "Our armies drove the Frost Giants back in the heart of their own world."

"Jotunheim?" Aria questioned softly with a hint of fear as she looked up at her father

"Yes my dear," he confirmed as he looked with soft eyes at his youngest child "the cost was great." he continued as they turned down another hallway "In the end, Their king fell."

Aria looked up at her father in awe at this statement as Thor smirked at the thought that the Asgardians won

"And the source of their power was taken from them." he paused again as they reached a balcony that oversaw the beautiful planetary body of asgard "with the last great war ended, we withdrew from the other worlds and returned home to the realm eternal," he paused as he looked at his children "Asgard"

The four asgardians looked out at their beautiful home in awe. The light that reflected perfectly off everything made of gold, the vibrant colours that complemented each other eloquently, the warm crisp air that kissed their supple skin and the echo of birds singing, dancing its way through the air

"Here we remain as a beacon of hope, shining out across the stars." the Allfather continued as he scanned his childrens soft, relaxed expressions.

The three young royals looked up at their father attentively as he continued educating them through the tales of asgards past. He turned them around, leading them through the castle walls once again as he continued telling his tale

"And though we have fallen into man's myths and legends," the king halted as they reached another large pair of golden doors. Two guards opened the gates at the king's request as the four asgardians made their way down into Odin's Treasure vaults

"It was Asgard and its warriors that brought peace to the universe." he finished as they halted in front of one of the treasures in the vault, the casket of ancient winters.

"But the day will come when one of you boys will have to defend that peace" he stated as he clasped his hands together and walked in front of the casket, facing his children

"Do the frost giants still live?" Loki questioned nervously as the three young royals stared up at their father, taking in every piece of information they could

"When I'm king," Thor stated confidently as he faced his brother with the hand Aria was holding on his chest gesturing to himself 

"I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all!" he promised as he punched the air as if he were fighting off the frost giants, causing Aria to giggle aloud and attach her left hand to Loki's

"Just as you did, Father." Thor stated as he smiled upon his father in front of him

Odin remained unfazed by Thor's statement "a wise king never seeks out war." he says firmly as he shifted his gaze to meet each pair of his children's eyes to get his message across "but," he paused

"he must always be ready for it." he finished as he walked in between Loki, Aria and Thor without looking back

Thor and Loki looked at eachother and smirked before setting their gaze on their younger sister, who smiled up in awe at her older brothers exchange before the three of them ran up to catch up with their father, once again conjoining their hands

"I'm ready father." Thor stated as he attached his hand to his fathers

"So am I." Loki followed as he squeezed Aria's hand a little tighter while they all looked up to their father

"Only one of you can ascend to the throne." he started as he looked between his two sons "but both of you were born to be kings, and you a queen." he said as his gaze locked with Aria's who smiled softly up at her father as they left the vault.

As they left Aria looked up at her older brothers, wondering which one of them will grow up to be king of asgard.

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