Ch. 21 Dr. Cyrus and the Twin

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   The cell Serena was placed in was windowless and rectangular, with the walls, ceiling, and floor lined in a soft, pinkish rubber coating that resembled the material that pencil erasers are made of. Mounted to each wall were surveillance cameras, speakers boxes, and other sensors designed to monitor the cell's occupant's activities. On one wall were two chrome bars that struck out about six inches from the wall—similar to the testing apparatus in the exam room.

   In one corner of the room there was a porcelain toilet and sink. The only thing that looked normal was the bed, which was on a wood frame.

   Serena walked over to the bed. There was no metal of any kind used in its construction. The mattress was filled with down feathers. The bed had one other difference she didn't fail to notice: leather restraining straps.

   The room was lit by fluorescent lighting concealed behind thick plastic plates. There was neither a thermostat nor switches in the room of any kind, and she no control over light, heat, or air. The people watching her from the cameras would decide when she would have lights and how hot or cold she would be. She had no control over anything.

   Serena turned on the sink and was grateful that water came out. She still felt nauseous from the car ride, and she washed her face in the cold water. Then she went and lay on her bed, looking up at the ceiling.

   She wasn't sure what time it was. She wasn't even sure what day it was. Mrs. Palermo would be furious with her for missing cheer. Serena shook her head. Had she not been so afraid, she would have laughed at the thought. If only Mrs. Palermo was the worst of her worries. Besides, everyone would know by now that she had been abducted. They had to, didn't they? Her friends would be calling one another, they'd organize search parties. Wouldn't they?

   She thought of how worried her parents must be. Just a few days earlier they had scolded her for being gone from home too much. The argument had ended with her slamming her bedroom door. She regretted how she acted. She'd give up everything she had to be home right now. Even cheerleading.

   As Serena lay on top of the bed thinking, she heard a quick burst of air followed by a sharp metallic click. Her door opened. Marnie stepped inside, followed by a tall man in a suit and tie. He wore oversized black-rimmed glasses with dark lenses that concealed his eyes, similar to the glasses the doctor had on during her tests.

  "Sit up," Marnie barked.

   Serena sat up on the bed. The man walked to the center of the room. "Hello, Serena," he said. "You're a sight for sore eyes."

   Serena stared at him, her heart pounding fiercely.

  "He said 'hello,' " Marnie said. A sharp, piercing scream entered Serena's head.

   Serena grabbed her ears and let out a small scream. "Stop!"

  "Stop it," the man said sharply to Marnie. "Go."

   Marnie frowned. "Yes, sir." She walked out of the room without looking at Serena.

  "I'm sorry about that," the man said. "Marnie gets a bit Draconian."

  "I hate her," Serena said. She immediately regretted this, wondering if she'd be punished.

   To her surprise, the man just nodded. "Be assured that you're not alone in that," he said. "Most of the students here do." He smiled warmly. "Let's start over. I'm Dr. Cyrus. You are at the Galactical Academy. I hope your trip here wasn't too unpleasant."

   Serena looked at him incredulously. "Why have you kidnapped me? You can't hold me here. My father will find you and—"

   He raised his hand. "Your adopted father, Charles Yvonne of the Boise Police Department, thinks his little girl has ran away. In fact you have already texted him twice today telling him how much you dislike him, and how you never intend to go home as long as he's there."

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