We need to talk

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Andy's POV
"I really hate the fact that I can't be with Robert right now." I said to my best friend Maya who was filling out some paperwork. "It is so hard being alone during this pandemic but he said he needed the separation for his sobriety."

"It is just a few more weeks right?" Maya asked looking at me.

"A few more weeks?! More like 2 months." I said frustrated craving his touch. The more I thought about him the more I missed him lying next to me in bed and taking showers together. "I really can't wait that long. Maya what should I do? Do I ask him to quarantine together like you and your hot doctor or should I let him be on his own?" I really didn't know what to do, I don't want to endanger his sobriety but I couldn't live without him anymore.

Maya looked at me and said that I should do what I think is the best for the two of us and that I should just talk to him about it.

I took Maya's advice and send my husband a quick text.

To Robert: Hi babe, we need to talk.

Robert's POV
I was ralink in the park with Richard, who is now my sponsor, talking about life.

"So what are your steps to stay sober?" Richard asked sitting down on a bench?

"Andy and I decided to take a 90 day separation, we don't talk to each other and we barely see one another. I was staying at the station and she slept at home." I told Richard explaining that Amelia proposed the idea.

"And how exactly is that going for you two?" Richard asked looking at me.

I answered: "it is really hard, we have only been apart for 30 days and I miss her like crazy."

Richard then asked me if I thought that that was the best way to getting clean. I looked at him and told him that I don't know what is best for me but that i really want to get back to my wife. After that Richard explained to me that for every addict the steps to get clean are different.

"So you are telling me I can be with my wife?" I asked a little frustrated that I was away from her when it wasn't necessary.

"Yes, Amelia just gave a suggestion to what worked for her but that doesn't mean you have to." Richard answered.

My phone went of and when I looked I saw a text from my wife saying that we should talk.
What does that mean I ask myself thinking about all the possibilities.

To Andy: Sure, tonight our place?

*A/N so this is just the beginning. In the next chapter they are going to talk and who knows what else they are going to do. I really hope you guys like it so far update coming soon!

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