I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher

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No one complain about the wait, this is 28 pages long. I had a lot of fun and also didn't edit cause it's 28 pages long alskndaf.

Some spellings have been adjusted and keep in mind this is ancient times so customs are different.

Come yell at me on tumblr: Percabeth4Life
Come chat with me on discord: https://discord.gg/HhKDyEWZjp


"So do we all just stand here?" Leo asked. "Cause I gotta say, that's killer on the legs."

Rhea studied him, "Apologies, I forget that mortals can't simply summon their own seats."

A wave of her hand and there was a collection of seats in front of the Titan's.

Leo hopped onto the closest one and grinned, "Okay, this is super soft."

Jason poked the seat before settling next to Leo, "Wow, they really are."

Piper grinned and hopped into the seat beside Jason, "I need some of these in my house."

The children all took a moment to settle in seats, three to a couch.

The red head who held the book, Rachel, sat with the Kyklopes and Thalia, swinging her legs.

"Okay! So, I guess we should read," she held up the book. "I'll go first."

"So, these are about Percy?" Thalia asked. "Does that mean I get to see what he and Annabeth got up to while I was-" she huffed when she suddenly cut off. "You know what I mean."

"Probably," Annabeth said, leaning against Percy.

"Shall we begin?" Kronos said. "I'm very interested to see what the Morai deemed so dangerous."

"Right," Rachel opened the book. "Chapter one: I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher."

"What's Pre-Algebra?" Iapetus wondered.

Octavian groaned, "This is going to be a long read."

"It's like..." Annabeth paused. "A type of math."


"Using numbers to... count things... and find out how much of something you have... basically..."

"Ah, I see. I suppose that's something of the modern age."

"I have come to a decision!" Leo declared. "I am moving to this time period!"

"You're good at math though?" Jason questioned.

"That doesn't mean I like it," he whined. "Besides, I'd basically be a God in this time period with my knowledge. Leo Mc Shizzle is the next big thing!"

Piper snorted, "Leo, I think the Gods might take offence to that."

He groaned. "But it's the perfect plan."

"Let me put it this way," Jason said. "If you disappear on us cause the past is better than the present I will reverse time to punch you in the face."

Leo eyed him, "Right... gotcha."

"Can we get past the title before we get distracted?" Annabeth asked.

"Almost everyone here is ADHD," Grover laughed. "I don't think we'll get very far."

Mnemosyne hummed, "Let's continue, we can discuss other matters at the end of the chapter."

"Let's try to keep all chatter to the end of the chapter actually," Kronos said. "So that we can discuss it all at once rather than take forever to get through chapters."

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